Dieses Baguette ist mit knusprigem HГ¤hnchen und Mozzarella gefГјllt und auГŸen mit Knoblauchbutter bestrichen. Einfach kГ¶stlich!
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Armer Ritter – Poor Knights Recipe
This is a good way to use up old baguette style bread. Can be made as a breakfast, or indulgent snack.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
- 1/2 cup milk
- 3 eggs
- 1 pinch salt
- 8 slices of slightly stale (within 1 – 2 days after initial serving) baguette
- Butter or margarine for frying
- In a deep dish, whip eggs milk and salt together.
- Place baguette slices in egg mixture, and allow to sit for 2 minutes. Then turn over.
- In a large frying pan, melt butter. Fry slices until golden brown on both sides.
* Serve with sugar and cinnamon, or favorite preserves.
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Schafskäse, Oliven, halbgetrocknete Tomaten
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Overall Rating
Wir waren mal wieder mit einer Freundin hier und es hat uns wie immer sehr gut gefallen.
Ich war nun schon zum 2. mal im Weinhaus. Es ist ein ganz tolles Weinhaus mit einer kleinen einfachen Küche (Pizza,Salat,Burger. ) Das Ambiente ist sehr geschmackvoll, die Gastgeber herzlich und das Personal total aufmerksam. Klare Weiterempfehlung 👍🏻
Netter Abend in schöner Ambiente mit aufmerksamen Personal und sehr leckeren Essen.
Zu Stoßzeiten besser immer einen Tisch vorbestellen! Freundliche Bedienung. Ausgefallene Speisen.
Sehr freundliche, kompetente und aufmerksame Bedienung. Wir haben uns sehr wohlgefühlt und kommen sehr gerne wieder!
Super lecker "Gourmetburger" . 😊😋 und der Wein 🍷 ist immer klasse!
Wir haben hier unseren Hochzeitstag gefeiert. Das Ambiente war wunderschön nordisch und modern und die Bedienung sehr nett und persönlich.
Für uns wurde liebevoll ein Tisch besonders gedeckt und wir haben uns sofort wohl gefühlt. Das Essen hat uns sehr gut geschmeckt und die kleine Karte hatte eine gute Auswahl. Vorspeise bis Nachtisch einfach lecker! Der Wein war erstklassig.
Vielen Dank für diesen besonderen Abend. Wir kommen sehr gerne wieder.
Der Service war etwas schleppend. Und dass man ein Glas Leitungswasser zum Wein dazu bestellt und dies anschl. auf der Rechnung vorfindet, finde ich wenig kundenorientiert.
Ansonsten alles sehr nett und gemütlich in entspannter Atmosphäre.
Wir waren schon öfter mit unserem Stammtisch im Boberger Weinhaus. Der Service lief immer schon schleppend, aber es war halt ein Familienunternehmen, die Chefin hat selber gekocht, Chefe bedient. Inzwischen läuft einiges an Personal dort herum. Leider ohne Verbesserung des Services. Letzten Dienstag mussten wir wiederholt die Bedienung bitten, unseren Wein nicht immer zu vergessen. Die letzte Runde kam gar nicht mehr bei uns am Tisch an, obwohl wir neben dem Tresen saßen. So viel Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber zahlenden Kunden ist für uns nicht akzeptabel. Leider müssen wir uns eine andere Location suchen.
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Plus Rezepte
Sonntag, 8. Januar 2017
- 1/2 Salatgurke(n)
- 2 Tomate(n)
- 1 kleiner Eisbergsalat
- 4 EL Mayonnaise
- 4 EL Joghurt
- 1 kl. Dose/n Mais
- 1 Zwiebel(n)
- 300 g Hähnchenbrustfilet(s)
- 3 EL Öl
- 4 Stück(e) Fladenbrot(e) (Pita-Taschen)
- Salz und Pfeffer
- Paprikapulver, rosenscharf
Gurke schälen, Tomaten entstielen. Beides in 1 cm große Würfel schneiden. Salat waschen, trocknen und in Streifen schneiden.
Mayonnaise und Joghurt mischen und mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Den abgeschütteten Mais untermischen.
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Hähnchen baguette
08.08.2009 Autor: Tim Rubrik: Hauptgerichte
Aus der Sendung “Tim Mälzer kocht!” 8.8.2009, 15:30 Uhr, ARD
- Zucchini putzen und längs in ½ cm dicke Scheiben schneiden. Paprika putzen, entkernen, schälen und in grobe Stücke schneiden. Zwiebel in Spalten, Knoblauchknolle in Scheiben schneiden.
- Alle Zutaten auf ein Blech geben, mit 3 El Olivenöl mischen und mit Salz, Pfeffer und 1 Prise Zucker würzen. Gemüse gleichmäßig auf dem Backblech ausbreiten und unter dem heißen Ofengrill bei 240 Grad auf der obersten Schiene 15-20 Min. grillen.
- Inzwischen Rosmarinnadeln abstreifen, fein hacken und mit Zitronensaft und 2 El Olivenöl in einer Schüssel mischen.
- Hähnchenfleisch in Scheiben schneiden. Radicchio putzen. Die Hälfte der Basilikumblätter abzupfen. Gemüse aus dem Ofen nehmen und mit dem Gewürzöl mischen.
- Baguette waagerecht halbieren und die Schnittflächen mit je 1 El Olivenöl beträufeln. Unter dem heißen Ofengrill bei 240 Grad auf der mittleren Schiene 3-5 Min. rösten.
- Dann mit Radicchio und Hähnchenfleisch belegen, salzen und pfeffern. Übrige Basilikumblätter fein schneiden und zum Gemüse geben. Gemüsemischung auf dem Baguette verteilen und mit Basilikumblättern bestreut servieren.
Aber was mache ich dann mit der leckeren Brühe? Ein leckeres Risotto!
Jede Sendung gibt es nach Ausstrahlung für 7 Tage in der ARD MEDIATHEK.
Menu and Specials
The mission is simple: serve delicious cuisine in an easygoing setting so guests will want to return week after week.
1648 Second Avenue
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New York, New York 10028
We will be closed in celebration of "Thanksgiving Day"Our entire staff thanks you for your continued support and wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving!!
We will be open for lunch on Mondays and Tuesdays.
For reservations and more information, please give us a call.
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*Schedule may vary on Holidays or for special events.*
Crispy Chicken Baguette mit Knoblauchbutter und Parmesan
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- 100 g Hähnchenbrustfilet
- 1 Ei
- 50 g Mehl
- 50 g Paniermehl
- 120 ml Pflanzenöl
- 1 Baguette
- 200 g Mozzarella
- 40 g Butter
- 2 Knoblauchzehen
- 1 Bund Petersilie
- 1 Esslöffel geriebener Parmesan
Nach dem ersten Bissen willst du es direkt wissen: Was ist da drin? Was ist da drauf? Was ist es, dass so unglaublich gut schmeckt? Auf dem Baguette – leckere Knoblauchbutter mit frischer Petersilie und Parmesan. In dem Baguette – knusprige panierte Hähnchenstücke in Mozzarella gewickelt … Im Ganzen: einfach, genial, gut!
Wie dein Hähnchen saftig bleibt? Hier erfährst du es!
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Wenn Ihr in der Nähe wohnt und (hoffentlich) Wert auf gutes Fleisch aus art- gerechter und nachhaltiger Tierhaltung legt, schaut unbedingt mal vorbei! Für mich ist Schlachter Dreymann eindeutig die 1. Adresse in Hamburg, wenn es um Fleisch und Wurst geht.
2 unbehandelte Bio-Zitronen
1 junge Knoblauchknolle
100 g weiche Butter
je 1 TL sehr fein gehackter frischer Rosmarin und Thymian
Abrieb einer halben Biozitrone
Salz und Pfeffer
Alle Zutaten für die Kräuterbutter miteinander vermischen und beiseite stellen.
Das Hähnchen nicht waschen, aber gründlich mit Küchenpapier trockentupfen, dann vorsichtig mit den Fingern auf der Brustseite unter die Haut gleiten (dafür am Besten Einmalhandschuhe anziehen) und die Haut behutsam von der Brust und den Schenkeln lösen.
Die weiche Kräuterbutter unter sie Haut schieben und gleichmäßig verteilen. Mit der restlichen Kräuterbutter das Hähnchen von außen und innen einreiben.
Eine Zitrone und die Knoblauchknolle halbieren, die Schalotten je nach Größe so lassen oder ebenfalls halbieren. Alles zusammen mit einigen Zweigen Thymian und Rosmarin in den Bauchraum stopfen, dann die Beine mit Küchengarn zusammen- binden. Die zweite Zitrone in dünne Scheiben schneiden und auf der Brust verteilen, dann das Hähnchen in die Cocotte setzen.
Darf's noch etwas mehr sein?
Das ist doch ein schöner Einstieg in den "Sonntagsbraten". Köstlich, köstlich das Zitronenhuhn!! So einen Schlachter Dreymann suche ich bei uns in Köln auch noch. Ich werde berichten 😉.
Dann noch einen schönen Sonntag und viele Grüße
Eine Frage habe ich dann doch: wie schiebt man etwas "unter die Haut"? Das habe ich bisher noch nie gemacht :)
Was für ein wunderschöner Bräter :-)
Mit dem Thema Fleisch ist es so eine Sache .
Ich bin völlig Deiner Meinung, Schade nur das es den meisten Menschen egal ist.
Das Rezept finde ich super, sieht richtig lecker aus.
Auf solche Verbündeten, wie du hast, kann man ja echt neidisch sein ;)
Kommentare, die Werbelinks enthalten (Links, die auf kommerzielle Seiten verlinken und keinen Bezug zum Beitragsthema haben, sondern lediglich der Werbung dienen), werden selbstverständlich nicht veröffentlicht und ich behalte mir ausdrücklich rechtliche Schritte vor. Mein Blog dient nicht als kostenlose Werbeplattform!
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- €30 and under
Dienstag und Donnerstag - Samstag: 18:00 Uhr - 22:00 Uhr
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Salami, Zwiebeln, Oliven
Schafskäse, Oliven, halbgetrocknete Tomaten
Weinhaus an der Bergstrasse Ratings and Reviews
Overall Rating
Wir waren mal wieder mit einer Freundin hier und es hat uns wie immer sehr gut gefallen.
Ich war nun schon zum 2. mal im Weinhaus. Es ist ein ganz tolles Weinhaus mit einer kleinen einfachen Küche (Pizza,Salat,Burger. ) Das Ambiente ist sehr geschmackvoll, die Gastgeber herzlich und das Personal total aufmerksam. Klare Weiterempfehlung 👍🏻
Netter Abend in schöner Ambiente mit aufmerksamen Personal und sehr leckeren Essen.
Zu Stoßzeiten besser immer einen Tisch vorbestellen! Freundliche Bedienung. Ausgefallene Speisen.
Sehr freundliche, kompetente und aufmerksame Bedienung. Wir haben uns sehr wohlgefühlt und kommen sehr gerne wieder!
Super lecker "Gourmetburger" . 😊😋 und der Wein 🍷 ist immer klasse!
Wir haben hier unseren Hochzeitstag gefeiert. Das Ambiente war wunderschön nordisch und modern und die Bedienung sehr nett und persönlich.
Für uns wurde liebevoll ein Tisch besonders gedeckt und wir haben uns sofort wohl gefühlt. Das Essen hat uns sehr gut geschmeckt und die kleine Karte hatte eine gute Auswahl. Vorspeise bis Nachtisch einfach lecker! Der Wein war erstklassig.
Vielen Dank für diesen besonderen Abend. Wir kommen sehr gerne wieder.
Der Service war etwas schleppend. Und dass man ein Glas Leitungswasser zum Wein dazu bestellt und dies anschl. auf der Rechnung vorfindet, finde ich wenig kundenorientiert.
Ansonsten alles sehr nett und gemütlich in entspannter Atmosphäre.
Wir waren schon öfter mit unserem Stammtisch im Boberger Weinhaus. Der Service lief immer schon schleppend, aber es war halt ein Familienunternehmen, die Chefin hat selber gekocht, Chefe bedient. Inzwischen läuft einiges an Personal dort herum. Leider ohne Verbesserung des Services. Letzten Dienstag mussten wir wiederholt die Bedienung bitten, unseren Wein nicht immer zu vergessen. Die letzte Runde kam gar nicht mehr bei uns am Tisch an, obwohl wir neben dem Tresen saßen. So viel Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber zahlenden Kunden ist für uns nicht akzeptabel. Leider müssen wir uns eine andere Location suchen.
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Million Dollar Chicken
Have you been watching the Barefoot Contessa lately? If so, you may have noticed there’s a slightly different format to her show these days (which I’m totally loving!). Instead of the typical routine of cooking a few recipes in her home kitchen, Ina’s hitting the town. Each episode shows Ina (and sometimes Geoffrey) checking out New York City hot spots and featuring some of these establishments’ famous recipes. I was completely drawn into a recent episode that included a visit to The Standard Grill at The Standard hotel in NYC’s meatpacking district, showcasing their Million Dollar Chicken.
Update: A few readers have expressed discrepancies with the cooking time in this recipe. Not all ovens are created equal. I can’t stress enough the importance of checking your oven temperature and tempering the chicken before cooking.
Million Dollar Chicken
- 3 1/2 pound whole chicken, preferably organic
- Kosher salt
- Freshly ground black pepper
- 3 to 4 garlic cloves, lightly smashed
- 1 lemon
- 1 bay leaf
- 5 sprigs fresh thyme
- Olive oil
- 1 slice sourdough, cut 3/4-inch thick (day old bread is perfect!)
- Maldon salt
For the Creme Fraiche Glaze:
- The day before you plan to cook the chicken, season it well inside and out with salt and pepper. Stuff the cavity of the chicken with the garlic, 1 of the lemons, the bay leaf and thyme. Refrigerate. (The bird can be trussed with butcher twine if you are so inclined, but it is not necessary.)
- On the day/night you plan to cook the bird, take the chicken out of the refrigerator 30 minutes before you plan to roast it. Preheat the oven to 425 to 450 degrees.
- In a pan large enough to accommodate the chicken, oil the pan lightly with olive oil, place the piece of sourdough in the center of the pan and then put the chicken on top of the bread.
- Drizzle the bird with olive oil or brush with butter (we use olive oil at the Grill).
- Place the pan in the oven and roast for 40 to 50 minutes, basting it every 12 to 15 minutes with the fat and drippings that render from the bird.
- While the chicken roasts, assemble the glaze by combining all of the ingredients and whisking them together.
- When the chicken is almost done (the juices are running pink and/or the legs are beginning to wiggle a bit when you give them a shake), take a pastry brush and slather on a bit of the creme fraiche glaze. The glaze will begin to caramelize. Brush on another layer and let this last glazing caramelize.
- At this point the chicken should be cooked through and nicely golden brown. The sourdough underneath the chicken will be nicely browned and crisped on the side in contact with the pan, and moist and juicy on the side in contact with the chicken. Let the chicken rest for 10 minutes before cutting it into serving pieces. Cut the sourdough into 2 to 4 pieces and serve with the chicken.
- Garnish with lemon wedges and sprinkle it with Maldon salt.
(Alternatively, you can roast the chicken almost entirely through. Let it rest, split it in half and then glaze it with the creme fraiche under the broiler, brushing with the creme fraiche until you achieve golden brown, crackling skin).
This looks delicious! You’ve given me so many ideas for dinner parties!
This recipe is super dinner party friendly, since you just pop it in the oven and don’t have to slave over the stove. Your guests will be wowed, for sure!
Mmmmm… I love everything about this! I’ve roasted many a chicken, and it really is the simple touches that make all the difference. The croutons and the glaze are so simple, yet genius!
Seriously, I could live on the croutons alone…they are DIVINE!!
Do you think this would work without the lemons? I’m allergic..
Hi Lindsay, you can definitely make this without lemon! The lemon is a nice addition, but it will still taste great without it. If you’re not allergic, you could consider swapping it out with orange just to have some acidity. There are some nice and tart oranges in season right now that could replace the sourness of the lemon. But, again, it’s not totally necessary. Enjoy 🙂
I am in fact delighted to glance at this website posts which contains plenty
of helpful facts, thanks for providing these statistics.
I made this dish last week, the only real work was finding all the ingredients (I made the creme fraiche myself). Only change made, I added an onion along with lemon the night before. Both hubby and I loved the meal, chicken was moist and delicious with plenty of drippings from chicken even with the sourdough bread, which was also yummy!
So glad to hear that, Lisa! And look at you making your own creme fraiche…I’m so impressed!
I’m famous in my family for making horrible chicken, but this looks like a recipe even I can’t screw up. Perfect for cooler fall evenings.
I don’t have a cast iron skillet like shown. Do you think a large Dutch oven would work? Can’t wait to try this!!
Hi Amy…that’s no problem at all! The cast iron pan is purely used as the serving vessel, which is how they did it when I watched the show so I was just copying. They didn’t actually cook it in the cast iron. You could use a dutch oven, or I just used a medium size non stick pan (shown on the right side in the second image in the post), and then transferred it to the cast iron after for serving…you know, because it looks all cool and rustic 🙂
this looks amazing, can’t wait to try it. The recipe calls for one slice of sourdough bread but all of the pictures show three slices. I think I would make this in my 6 quart enameled cast iron dutch oven. with three slices of bread would there still be drippings for basting?
Hi Katie, you’re right! That is confusing. I seem to recall even when I watched the show that the chef used two pieces about the size that I show in the second image on my blog. Not sure why the recipe says only one… Honestly, it’s not a huge deal the specific amount so long as it creates a nice cradle to rest the chicken on. I used three because with the shape of bread I had it seemed to fit nicely under the chicken. You should be fine on dripping amount with the three pieces. With the three pieces I used, there were plenty of drippings to be soaked up. As for basting, you don’t really have to worry about the drippings for basting becuase you baste with the creme fraiche mixture. Hope this helps!
I totally want to make this dish! It looks amazing. However, I am having trouble finding creme Fraiche. Where did you find it? What does it look like? Thanks for the help.
I found creme fraiche at Trader Joe’s today. It’s over by the cheeses.
Awesome, that’s exactly what I was going to say…check near the fancy cheeses! Glad you found it so easily…enjoy!
You can also make your own by adding 2 tablespoons of buttermilk to a cup of heavy cream in a jar, screw on a lid, shake it up good, and leave it on your counter for 12- 24 hours. It will thicken up to the consistency of greek yogurt.
Hello! This sounds delicious. I do have a question though, would you serve this to a toddler? You see, my fiancé cannot have anything spicy.. At all. So would you be able to leave out the peppers and it still be as tasty? Thanks a bunch!
I didn’t find it to be spicy at all. However, the aleppo that I purchased for this was very mild. I’ve tasted aleppo other times when it can be slightly more spicy (sort of like how red pepper flakes can vary from batch to batch), but I would still call it mild. However, I’m kind of a spice fiend so I may be slightly immune to it. I would say maybe play it safe and omit it altogether. The dish will still taste great without the aleppo, or you could try replacing it with another spice like paprika or cumin, or really go in a whole other direction with thyme perhaps. Enjoy!
Was the Aleppo pepper flake or ground?
I would call it ground, but it’s a really coarse grind, not finely ground like a powder. Honestly, you could almost call it a flake as well (but not large flakes…smaller than red pepper flakes, for example). Does that help?
This is an awesome recipe! Ina’s recipe is my go to recipe. But I think this is better! I used Fage Greek yogurt for the creme fraiche. For the Aleppo, I saw a sub for the using Cayenne and Sweet Paprika but I subbed the smoked because that’s what I had.
I live in the middle of nowhere so sometimes you just have to make substitutions!
My DH loved it and I’ll definitely make it again. Thank you so much for sharing!
I too live in the middle of nowhere, but never heard of FAGE Greek yogurt either?? I am going to try it with light sour cream.. hope it works
i made this chicken tonight and ran into a small hiccup. Either I should have cooked my chicken at 450 or my lemon was to big and I had too much juice, because my sauce was very thin and runny. So when I brushed my chicken it just ran off which 1. Made my croutons runny and left me with more than half the sauce. It was still very tasty and my husband is not a chicken fan. I will make this again with a smaller lemon to make the sauce thicker. The Aleppo pepper is fantastic, spicy but not too hot. Any thoughts?
I made this tonight for dinner, it was delicious! The Aleppo pepper was spicy without being too hot. I’d did run into a snag however. Either I should have set my oven at 450 or my lemon was too big making my sauce too runny. This made my croutons soggy. After 2 applications of sauce I still had more than half left. Any thoughts?
I made this tonight for dinner, it was delicious! The Aleppo pepper was spicy without being too hot. I’d did run into a snag however. Either I should have set my oven at 450 or my lemon was too big making my sauce too runny. This made my croutons soggy. After 2 applications of sauce I still had more than half left. Any thoughts?
Super good I only had Cornish game hens and I cooked it in my cast iron skillet came out amazing thanks for sharing.
Made this tonight. Thank goodness it wasn’t for company! The cook time was waaayyyyy off for me. So off that I ended up cooking the kids Mac and cheese :-/ it’s still in the oven, hopefully it will be tasty!
Do you roast breast side up or down?
Where did you find the Aleppo pepper? I’ve got a Whole Foods, Fresh Market, Williams Sonoma, and EarthFare as well as all the regulars. And Trader Joe’s!
The Aleppo was a little tricky to track down! I was surprised that Whole Foods does not carry it. I also saw it online for Williams Sonoma, but called the SF location and they didn’t have it in the store. I managed to finally find it at a specialty spices and teas shop here in SF. I would just call ahead to any specialty food/spice shops in your area to see if they carry it. And if all else fails, you can find it on Amazon. Good luck!
You can get it at Penzys spices online if there isn’t one near you.
I actually already had Aleppo pepper. I buy mine at Penzey’s spice shop.
Looks awesome! Do you need to cover with foil when it’s baking?
Great recipe. I also made my own creme fraiche (not difficult at all), and found the ingredients, amounts, and cook times spot on.
Stopped ar penzeys spice shop and they carry Aleppo pepper,
So I’m making this tonight!!
Thanks for the recipe!
What is creme fraiche?
Hi there! This recipe looks amazing do you think it would also work with boneless chicken breast? The SO won’t anything on the bone. 🙁
Found Aleppo Peeper at Persian market near my house. I live in the South Bay in Los Angeles California. It was only $4. Gonna try this receive this week!
I bought a 6 pound chicken because I couldn’t remember what it was supposed to be. Do you know what sort of heat/other parts need to change?
Is the bread necessary? I have Celiac and have to be gluten free.
The bread is Not necessary. It helps to get the
Bottom of the chicken crispy. You can simply
Turn your chicken around when roasting to evenly
Crisp the bottom skin.
Made this today for company and it was delicious!! I had a 5 pound chicken so I cooked it about 45 minutes at 425 to get it started. Then I started putting on the glaze. I had bought the Aleppo spice but left it at home. I used a mix of Cajun spices and red pepper flakes. There was just a hint of heat which I LOVE! The skin blisters and it looks beautiful. I made some fresh glazes carrots and potatoes and onions baked with the chicken. The bread was crispy and crunchy but soggy on one side. I used 4 slices and cooked it in my iron fry pan.
Can’t wait to try again and eat my great left overs!
Have you ever used the creme fraiche on a turkey?
What adjustments would I need to make if I used a 5-6 pound chicken? Thanks!!
i think behr paint (behr.com) has something like that, but i bvieele there is a $5 fee i’ve not used it, but i have looked at colors on the website before. also you can pick up the paint booklets/chips at home depot (from behr) and the booklets has complimentary colors and shows the paint in different rooms.i personally like the behr paint (semi gloss) because its wonderful for being able to clean it especially with kids and crayons, markers, finger paints, etc. it is a little costlier than most paints, but it covers great and last great also if you use the behr paint and there is something wrong with the paint itself a behr representative will come out and paint your walls for you (there has to be something
OK, this was amazing. But I had way too much of the glaze for my 4 lb. chicken.
I made this last night and apparently made a terrible mistake by “over stuffing” the cavity of my 4 pound chicken. The lemons I had were incredibly large. By the cavity being over stuffed, the chicken did not cook properly. Once I took 2 quarters of the lemon out, the juices just poured out of the chicken and made my sourdough bread soggy. It took over 2 hours for me to get the chicken up to correct temperature because of my mistake. I will make it again……having learned this lesson that hard way. Hopefully this information will keep someone else from making the same mistake!
Hi,I log on to your blogs named “Million Dollar Chicken – Serving Seconds” daily.Your story-telling style is witty, keep it up! And you can look our website about powerful love spells.
Okay….stupid question. Do you put the lemon in whole or cut up?
[…] zested and juiced 1 tablespoon shallots, grated on a fine zester 1 teaspoon Aleppo pepper Directions@ Serving Seconds <CLICK HERE […]
[…] overpriced restaurants. We’re staying in, having a couple friends over, and I’m making Million Dollar Chicken. Oh, and it gets even better…because it’s a three day weekend!! We’re […]
[…] the kitchen.My friend Melissa writes Serving Seconds and her recipes are always beyond. This Million Dollar Chicken looks insane so Melissa, just let me know when you want to come down here to cook. I will […]
[…] Uhr Das bereits gestern abend vorbereitete Millionen-Dollar-Hähnchen muss in den Ofen. Baguette in Scheiben schneiden, in die Auflaufform legen, das Hähnchen drauf, […]
[…] found this recipe via Serving Seconds, but as it turns out, it’s a Barefoot Contessa interpretation of a Standard Grill NYC dish, and […]
[…] recipes// million dollar chicken // loaded mashed cauliflower casserole (could use potatoes!) // moussaka // grilled salmon with […]
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[…] ken tonight and ran into a small hiccup. Either I should have cooked my chicken […]
[…] y chicken at 450 or my lemon was to big and I had too much juice, because my sau […]
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