Chicken fajitas with homemade guacamole & salsa
Nutrition per serving
Of an adult's reference intake
Jamie's Ministry of Food
- 1 red pepper
- 1 medium red onion
- 2 skinless free-range chicken breasts
- 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
- 1 small pinch of ground cumin
- 2 limes
- olive oil
- 4 small flour tortillas , or 2 large
- 150 ml fat-free natural yoghurt
- 50 g Cheddar cheese
- ½-1 fresh red chilli , to your taste
- 15 ripe cherry tomatoes
- 1 bunch fresh coriander
- 1 lime
- extra virgin olive oil
- 1 small handful of mixed-colour rip cherry tomatoes
- ½-1 fresh red chilli
- a few sprigs of fresh coriander
- 1 ripe avocado
- 1 lime
Jamie's Ministry of Food
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- Put a griddle pan on a high heat.
- Halve, deseed and slice the pepper into thin strips, then peel, halve, and finely slice the onion. Slice the chicken lengthways into long strips, roughly the same size as the pepper strips.
- Put the peppers, onion, and chicken into a bowl with the paprika and cumin. Squeeze over the juice of half a lime, drizzle over 1 tablespoon of oil, season with a good pinch of black pepper and mix well. Put aside to marinate for 5 minutes or so while you make your salsa.
- For the salsa, finely chop the chilli, roughly chop the tomatoes and the coriander (stalks and all), then place in a clean bowl with a pinch of sea salt and black pepper. Squeeze over the juice of 1 lime, and stir in the coriander.
- Using tongs, place the pepper, onion, and chicken onto the griddle and cook for 6 to 8 minutes, or until the chicken is golden and cooked through.
As the pan will be really hot, keep turning the pieces of chicken and vegetables over so they don’t burn – you just want them to lightly chargrill to give you a lovely flavour.
This Chicken Fajita Salad Will Be So Perfect In Your Belly
By Alvin Zhou (BFMP Video Producer) Nick Guillory (BuzzFeed Staff) Tasty (BuzzFeed Staff)
Chicken Fajita Salad
Here's a video that shows you how to make it:
View this video on YouTube
2 Tbsp. canola oil
1 boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
1 yellow bell pepper, thinly sliced
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp garlic powder
3 Tbsp. olive oil
3 Tbsp. lime juice
1 tsp brown sugar
1 tsp chili flakes
1 head romaine lettuce, chopped
1 avocado, sliced
Heat the oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Cook the chicken, bell peppers, onion, salt, chili powder, cumin, and garlic powder for five minutes, stirring constantly. Flip the chicken, and cook for another five minutes, until chicken is cooked and vegetables are slightly soft. Remove from heat and slice the chicken into strips.
In a small bowl, combine the olive oil, lime juice, brown sugar, chili, and salt, stirring until evenly mixed.
In a large bowl, toss the romaine lettuce with the chicken, peppers & onions, avocado, and dressing. Serve!
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Tex-Mex Chicken Club Wraps
- Marinade:
- 1 tablespoon garlic powder
- 1 tablespoon onion powder
- 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
- 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste
- Wraps:
- 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts
- 1 cup light mayonnaise
- 1 tablespoon finely chopped canned, seeded chipotle chili
- 8 10-inch flour tortillas
- 16 slices bacon, cooked
- 16 slices pepper Jack
- 3 tomatoes, thinly sliced
- 2 avocados, peeled, pitted and thinly sliced
- 1 red onion, thinly sliced
- 3 cups shredded green-leaf lettuce
Nutritional Information
- Calories 944
- Fat 59g
- Satfat 16g
- Protein 50g
- Carbohydrate 54g
- Fiber 6g
- Cholesterol 126mg
- Sodium 361mg
How to Make It
Make marinade: Mix all ingredients in a ziplock bag. Add chicken, seal bag, rub marinade all over and chill at least 2 hours.
Preheat grill to mediumlow and cook chicken, 6 minutes per side, until cooked through. Let cool, then slice. Mix mayonnaise and chili.
Assemble wraps: Spread mayonnaise mixture over tortillas. Divide all ingredients among tortillas. Roll up; serve.
Also appeared in: All You, None, 2014 ,Get Ready for Summer Special
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Fajitas au poulet
Nombre de personnes
kg de blanc de poulet

poivron (peu importe la couleur)




Piment de Cayenne (en poudre)




cuillère à soupe de crème fraîche

feuille de salade verte

1 friteuse
20€10 sur Marmiton Boutique
Préparation imprimer
- Couper les poivrons en petits morceaux. Les faire frire à feux doux jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient presque cuits.
- Pendant ce temps, couper également les oignons en petits morceaux. Les faire cuire.
- Une fois qu'ils seront quasiment cuits, les ajouter aux poivrons puis continuer à faire cuire à toujours à feux doux.
- Assaisonner : mettre sel et poivre, puis piment de cayenne selon vos goûts.
- Couper le poulet en petits morceaux.
- Retirer les poivrons et oignons du feu.
- Faire cuire le poulet.
- Une fois cuit ajouter le jus d'un citron ainsi que les oignons et les poivrons et laisser à feux doux quelques instants puis éteindre.
- Au moment de servir, faire réchauffer le poulet.
- Couper les tomates en petits dés.
- Pour garnir les fajitas :
- Mettre de la crème fraîche sur la pâte, du guacamole, quelques dés de tomate ainsi que quelques petits morceaux de salade. Rajouter de la préparation au poulet, rouler, manger ! ! !
J'ajoute mon grain de sel
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Avec 23 notes et avis
Très très bonne recette ! ! ! ! Merci.
Superbe recette conviviale ! J'ai ajouté 1 poivron vu que nous étions de grands mangeurs.
Très bonne recette, toute la famille se régale !!
C'est super bon ! J'ai fait ça avec des filets de poulet et seulement 2 poivrons et 1 tomate et ça suffit amplement pour 4 personnes !
Recette simple et bonne, ici tout le monde se régale. Je fais le guacamole moi-même (avocat, jus de citron vert, coriandre fraîche, épices mexicaines ou cumin). C'est réconfortant et rafraîchissant !
Super recette ! J'ai juste remplacé le guacamole par le pesto. Un délice !
Pour la sauce, j'ai mélangé de la crème de soja avec du piment de Cayenne, ce fut délicieux !
Je trouve ça troooooop boooon . J'♡ les fajitas .
Très bonne recette :-)
Très bon. J'ai fait cette recette avec du poulet mais également à part avec du bœuf.
Excellente recette à refaire. J'ai juste pané le poulet pour que ce soit plus croustillant.
Très bonne recette, avec des dés de tomate et du guacamole c'est super !
Très bonne recette pour passé un petit repas sympa en famille, attention ca fuit un peu mais tant pis
Moi j'ajoute du riz et du fromage râpé, c'est encore meilleur
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Hähnchen fajita
Samstag, 24. März 2012
Hähnchen-Fajitas a la Jamie Oliver
Die Salsa sieht leider ein bisschen nackig aus, aber nirgends gibt es frischen Koriander.
- 1 rote Paprika
- 1 rote Zwiebel
- 2 Hähnchenfilets
- 1 TL Pimenton (geräuchtes Paprikapulver)
- 1 Prise gemahlenen Kreuzkümmel
- 2 Limetten, halbiert
- Meersalz und frisch gemahlener Pfeffer
- 250g Guacamole
- 4 Weizentortillas
- 150 g Sauerrahm oder Naturjoghurt
- 100 g Cheddar
- 1/2-1 Chilischote
- 15 Kirschtomaten
- 1 Bd. Koriandergrün
- Salz, Pfeffer
- 1 Limette
- Grillpfanne bei hoher Temperatur erhitzen. Paprika in schmale Streifen schneiden. Zwiebel in feine Halbringe schneiden. Hähnchenfleisch längs in Streifen schneiden.
- Paprika, Zwiebeln und Fleisch in eine Schüssel geben und mit Pimenton und Kreuzkümmel bestreuen. Saft von 1 Limette, 1 Schuss Öl zugeben und kräftig salzen und pfeffern. 5 Min. ziehen lassen.
- Für die Salsa Chili fein hacken, Tomaten grob würfeln und Koriandergrün grob hacken.
- Tomaten und Chili in eine Schüssel geben und mit einer kräftigen Prise Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Saft von 1 Limette und 1 Schuss Öl zugießen. Mit Koriander vermengen.
- Paprika-, Zwiebel- und Fleischstücke in der heißen Pfanne 6-8 Min. braten. Ständig rühren.
- Tortillas in einer Pfanne ohne Fett anwärmen.
- Hähnchenpfanne mit Saft von 1 Limette beträufeln.
- Tortillas mit Joghurt, Guacamole, Käse und Hähnchenpfanne füllen und dazu die Salsa reichen.
1 Kommentar:
Hi - frischen Koriander gibt es so ziemlich in jedem türkischen Gemüseladen! LG, B.
Easy Chicken Teriyaki Wraps
Dinner doesn’t get easier than these Easy Chicken Teriyaki Wraps! Conquer those busy nights with an easy, good for you weeknight dinner that is done in no time flat.
Life is crazy. I hesitate to use the word busy, because really, everyone is busy. But some days, when the day is done and I finally make it to bed, I wonder how I made it through the day. When you are juggling being a mom, a wife, and a business owner, as well as taking care of a household, it’s no wonder that things get crazy.
In my life, there is no such thing as a “typical” day, (the joys of running your own business!), but let’s take a look at how a weekday might go in my life.
6am: the alarm goes off. I usually want to hit snooze a time or two, but my boys are usually right there, begging me to get out of bed. Go downstairs and do a little bit of morning work before waking my daughter up at 6:30 to get ready for school.
6:45am: breakfast for the whole crew. Usually something quick and easy.
7:25am: bus comes for my daughter for school. I change into my workout clothes for a quick workout at home before really starting the day.
9:00am: make a quick trip to the store because the grocery store I went to the night before was out of one ingredient that I needed.
10:30am: home for some recipe testing and recipe development. Today will be spent mostly in the kitchen and behind the camera.
12:00pm: short lunch break with the boys.
12:15pm: back into the kitchen for some recipe testing, as well as some photographing.
2:30pm: my daughter gets home from school, so it’s time to take some time with her for reading and homework. Spend the next little while with the kids playing.
3:30pm: back to the kitchen to clean up the disaster from the day. Realize that I have no idea what I’m going to make for dinner. I need something easy and quick, so I head to the Soy Vay website to find a recipe that will make dinner easy for me. Get inspired to make some wraps using Soy Vay® Veri Veri Teryiaki® Less Sodium plus lots of veggies I have on hand.
5:00pm: dinner time!
7:00pm: bath time for the kids then pjs and reading. We just started Stuart Little!
8:00pm: kids to sleep! Then my work night starts…
Although your day probably doesn’t consist of the exact same schedule, I’m guessing that it’s just as packed as mine. So I’m here today to tell you all about a tool that is going to make dinnertime so much easier!
Soy Vay just launched their new website with the coolest cooking tool. Have you ever wanted to make a recipe from a video online, or even just a recipe that you’ve found online, but don’t love getting messy hands all over your devices? Or how about when you are watching that video, but you can’t quite keep up because you’ve never made the recipe before and the video is going to quickly for you? Well, the new Soy Vay website is the ultimate digital cooking experience. It is the first of its kind to offer voice activated recipes that make cooking so much easier and so much fun. Find your recipe on the Soy Vay website, and it will walk you through the recipe. You use voice activated prompts to tell the recipe when to continue so you aren’t left behind. Super cool, right?
After staring at a bottle of Soy Vay® Veri Veri Teryiaki® Less Sodium, I was inspired by the Soy Vay website to whip up these Easy Chicken Teriyaki Wraps for dinner. I mentioned that when the weather starts getting nice, I tend to gravitate towards wraps, burgers and sandwiches, and that night, I just happen to have a craving for a good wrap.
I used 2 shortcuts for this recipe. 1st, pre-cooked, shredded chicken. If you are a regular here, you know that I always keep my freezer stocked with this shortcut. And 2nd, a bottle of Soy Vay® Veri Veri Teryiaki® Less Sodium is always a time saver. I love the flavor, as well as the fact that it is filled with sesame seeds. Love it!!
There is a local restaurant here that sells Italian street food, and they put spaghetti in their wraps. I thought it was weird until I tried it and fell in love. So I thought I’d take that same idea and add some rice noodles to my wrap. It was the best idea!! These Easy Chicken Teriyaki Wraps were easy and fast, and hearty enough for a weeknight dinner. One wrap was definitely enough for me – they were quite filling!!
These are very versatile, as well – you can use whatever vegetables you have on hand. And I used some extra Soy Vay® Veri Veri Teryiaki® Less Sodium for dipping. The perfect weeknight meal for when you don’t know what you are going to make!
Like what you see here? Make sure you are following Taste and Tell for more recipes and ideas!
- 3 cups cooked, shredded chicken
- 1 cup Soy Vay® Veri Veri Teryiaki® Less Sodium
- 4 oz vermicelli rice noodles
- 6 (12-inch) flour tortillas
- 1 cup shredded purple cabbage
- ½ cup shredded carrots
- ½ cup julienned cucumbers
- ½ cup julienned red bell peppers
- ⅓ cup sliced green onions
- ⅓ cup cilantro leaves
- extra Soy Vay® Veri Veri Teryiaki® Less Sodium, for serving
- Combine the chicken and the teriyaki sauce and stir to combine. Set aside.
- Bring a large pot of water to a boil and cook the rice noodles according to the package directions.
- To assemble the wraps, place the tortillas in the microwave for 30 seconds to soften. Put one-sixth of the noodles down the center of one tortilla, followed by some of the chicken. Top with the cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, red bell peppers, green onions and cilantro. Fold the sides of the tortilla in, then roll the tortilla, enclosing the filling on the center. Serve.
Don’t miss a thing! Follow me on Pinterest to see what I’m pinning!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Soy Vay. The opinions and text are all mine.
Reader Interactions
Sounds so good. Thank you.
Wow! Nice food! I like…
Coming from another busy mama, these are total perfection. Flavor, ease AND you can eat them with just one hand! Absolutely trying these soon!
Rahul says
SO much packed into this wonderful wrap! I’d be happy to eat one for lunch, then again for dinner.
Made this last night. So yummy!
So glad you loved them!
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Hähnchen fajita
Türkischer Foodblog mit einem Schuss Humor und zwei Löffel Wahnsinn
Sonntag, 1. November 2015
Fajita Gewürzmischung selbst gemacht
1 EL Maisstärke
2 TL Chili (Pulver oder geschrotet)
1 TL Paprikapulver, mild
1 TL Rohrohrzucker
0,5 TL Knoblauchpulver
0,5 TL Cayennepfeffer
0,5 TL Kreuzkümmel
0,25 TL schwarzen Pfeffer
1 Kommentar :
Ich hätte wirklich alles vorrätig . und ich liebe Fajitas! Danke!
Liebe Grüsse aus Zürich,
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Hähnchen fajita
Montag, 22. Oktober 2012
Fajita "Geflügel"
Doch Fajita bleibt Fajita in der Zusammenstellung mit dem Gewürz.
Eigentlich aus der Tex-Mex-Küche mit Rindfleisch, was auch sehr lecker ist, doch hier und heute und gerne von mir gemacht mit Geflügel.
Ein schönes einfaches Essen mit Freunden, kann man gut vorbereiten und jeder rollt dann seine Fajita selbst.
2 große Papriika frisch, rot und gelb
1 Prise Rohrzucker
1TL Schwarzkümmel (Nigella)
1 Limette, evtl. auch Zitrone
1 EL Tomatenmark
125 ml Gemüsebrühe
3 EL Fajita Gewürzmischung (siehe separates Rezept)
Meersalz zum Abschmecken
100 gr. geriebener Ziegengouda
Für die Tomaten Salsa:
3 schmackhafte Tomaten, 2 Knoblauchzehen, 3 Stengel Petersilie, 1 El Limonensaft
1 Tl Honig, Salz nach Gusto 2 frische Chilischoten ohne Kerne (wer mag auch mit, hot)
100-200 ml Saure Sahne
Die Zwiebeln putzen und in grobe Würfel schneiden.
Die Paprika putzen, in grobe Würfel schneiden.
In einer Pfanne mit einem 1 EL Erdnussöl zuerst die Zwiebeln und dann die Paprika mit einer Prise Zucker anbraten.
Bei ganz kleiner Flamme und unter gelegentlichem rühren bissfest garen oder zugedeckt garen wenn man das Gemüse weich haben möchte. Evtl. eine wenig Gemüsebrühe dazu geben, damit es nicht anbrennt.
herantasten und zum Schluß noch einmal vor dem Servieren eine Prise darüber geben.
Kommentare :
Für mich ist das auch immer ein wunderbares Essen mit Freunden und es schmeckt jedem. Die Veggies lassen das Fleisch raus und sind auch glücklich.
toll das Du das auch so gerne machst! Geht auch gut mit Gemüse vom Grill und frischen Tomaten.Es muss wirklich nicht immer mit Fleisch sein, bei mir, meine "Mittagstischler" sehen das anders. Liebe Grüße Ingrid
das sieht ja oberköstlich aus Ingrid, gefällt mir sehr gut.
Mexican Chicken Wrap
Add kick to your chicken wrap with a spicy, Mexican salsa.
- 3/4 cup salsa
- 1/2 cup mayonnaise
- 4 (10-inch) flour tortillas
- 1 1/3 cups grated Cheddar
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 4 skinless, boneless chicken thighs, trimmed and cut into 1/2-inch pieces (1 lb.)
- 1 1/2 teaspoons hot sauce
- Salt
- 2 cups finely chopped iceberg lettuce
- 1 cup chopped tomatoes
Nutritional Information
- Calories 763
- Fat 48g
- Satfat 13g
- Protein 38g
- Carbohydrate 44g
- Fiber 3g
- Cholesterol 144mg
- Sodium 452mg
How to Make It
In a bowl, stir together salsa and mayonnaise. Cover and refrigerate dip.
Preheat oven to 350°F. Arrange tortillas on 2 baking sheets; sprinkle evenly with cheese. Bake for 5 minutes, until cheese has melted.
Meanwhile, warm oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken, hot sauce and salt and cook, stirring, until just cooked through, 4 minutes.
Place tortillas on a counter. Top with lettuce, chicken and tomatoes. Roll up, cut in half and serve with dip.
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Cajun Chicken Wraps
Recipe by Amber Dawn
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Cajun Chicken Wraps
Ingredients Nutrition
- 3 tablespoons cajun seasoning
- 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- 12 ounces boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips
- 4 medium fat free tortillas
- 1 ⁄2 small red onion, thinly sliced
- 2 cups mixed baby greens, mesclun lettuce leaves
- 8 medium basil leaves
- 4 teaspoons fat-free mayonnaise
- 1 1 ⁄2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
- 1 ⁄2 teaspoon cajun seasoning
- Combine 3 tablespoons seasoning mix, flour, and paprika. Season chicken with salt and pepper and dredge in seasoning mixture.
- Coat a large, nonstick pan with cooking spray. Over medium-high heat, add chicken to pan and saute until cooked through, about 1 to 2 minutes per side. Remove chicken from heat and set aside.
- Combine mayonnaise, lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon Cajun seasoning for dressing.
- On each tortilla, spread 1 teaspoon dressing; add onion slices, greens and two basil leaves. Top with chicken pieces (approximately two per tortilla) and wrap.
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Nutrition Info
Serving Size: 1 (345 g)
Servings Per Recipe: 4
Amt. Per Serving % Daily Value Calories 111.1 Calories from Fat 11 11% Total Fat 1.3 g 2% Saturated Fat 0.3 g 1% Cholesterol 49.9 mg 16% Sodium 95.9 mg 3% Total Carbohydrate 3.6 g 1% Dietary Fiber 0.7 g 2% Sugars 0.9 g 3% Protein 20.1 g 40%
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