суббота, 16 декабря 2017 г.


Salat mit Hähnchen, Ei und Avocado

Zubereitungszeit : 15 Min.

Kochzeit: 10 Min.


  1. Hähnchen mit Salz, Pfeffer und Paprikapulver würzen
  2. In einer Pfanne scharf anbraten und in Streifen schneiden
  3. Salat waschen und zupfen
  4. Eier kochen und in Scheiben schneiden
  5. Avocado entkernen und in Scheiben schneiden
  6. Für das Dressing Balsamico, Olivenöl, Zucker, Salz, Pfeffer und Senf vermischen
  7. Alles vermischen und servieren

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Avocados all day!

Berlins Superfoods Restaurant mit dem Fokus auf die derzeit wohl beliebteste birnenförmige Butterfrucht.

Die Location rund um den Monbijoupark gehört zu den schönsten Plätzen Berlins.

Mit Blick auf die Spree und das Bodemuseum, machen Avocados und Superfoods noch mehr Spaß.

  • Wir lieben frische und gesunde Lebensmittel.

    Nachhaltige Ernährung stärkt das Immunsystem und sorgt für ein besseres Wohlbefinden.


    Pikante Avocado-Gurkensuppe, geröstetes Brot

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    Gefüllte Avocado, Hähnchen, Lachs, pochiertes Ei


    Apfel, Kokosraspeln, Akazienhonig, homemade Granola

    Apfel, Kokosraspeln, Akazienhonig, homemade Granola

    Datteln, Chia, Gojibeeren, Cranberries, Mandeln, Pistazien, homemade Granola

    2 Scheiben French Toast, Beerenragout, Ahronsirup

    3 Avocado Pancakes, frische Beeren, Ahornsirup

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    Rote Bete, Feta, Granatapfel, Rucola, Chia, Lauchzwiebeln

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    Geröstetes Brot, Avocado, Radieschen, Frischkäse

    Geröstetes Brot, Ziegenkäsecrème, Walnuss, Honig, Rote Bete ODER Birne

    Geröstetes Brot, geräucherter Lachs, Avocado, Tomate, Gurke, Schalotten

    Geröstetes Brot, 2 pochierte Bio Eier, 1/2 Avocado, Schalotten

    3 Bio Eier, Tomaten, Schnittlauch, geröstetes Brot, Butter

    2 pochierte Bio Eier, Bacon, Babyspinat, Sauce Hollandaise, Brot

    2 pochierte Bio Eier, geräucherter Lachs, Babyspinat, Sauce Hollandaise, Brot

    2 pochierte Bio Eier, 1/2 Avocado, grüner Spargel, Rucola

    Ob zum Essen, als Drink oder Dessert: Die Avocado gehört dazu!

    Viele verschiedene Avocado Superfood Specials warten nur auf Euch – don´t miss us , don´t miss it!

    Chicken-Avocado Sandwich Wrap

    Recipe by Annie H

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    Chicken-Avocado Sandwich Wrap


    Ingredients Nutrition

    • 1 ⁄2 cup balsamic vinegar
    • 1 ⁄3 cup olive oil
    • 1 tablespoon sugar
    • 1 clove garlic, pressed
    • 1 ⁄2 teaspoon salt
    • 1 ⁄4 teaspoon pepper
    • 6 boneless skinless chicken breasts
    • 1 large green bell pepper, quartered
    • 1 large red bell pepper, quartered
    • 1 large purple onion, cut into 3/4 inch thick slices
    • 2 large avocados, peeled and sliced
    • 8 (10 inch) flour tortillas
    Avocado Mayonnaise


    1. Peel avocados, and mash in a small bowl; stir in mayonnaise and remaining ingredients.
    2. Cover and chill.
    3. Whisk together first 6 ingredients.
    4. Place chicken breasts in a heavy-duty zip-top plastic bag; pour half of vinegar mixture over chicken.
    5. Place bell pepper, onion, and avocado in a heavy-duty zip-top plastic bag; pour remaining vinegar mixture over vegetables.
    6. Seal bags, and chill at least 1 hour, tossing occasionally.
    7. Remove chicken and vegetables from marinades, discarding marinades.
    8. Grill chicken and vegetables, covered with grill lid, over medium-high heat (350* to 400*F/ 175* to 205*C) 20 minutes or until chicken is done, turning once.
    9. Remove vegetables from grill when done.
    10. Cool; cut chicken and vegetables into strips.
    11. Spread tortillas with Avocado Mayonnaise.
    12. Place chicken and vegetables on tortillas; roll up.
    13. Cut in half diagonally.

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    Nutrition Info

    Serving Size: 1 (354 g)

    Servings Per Recipe: 8

    Amt. Per Serving % Daily Value Calories 607.6 Calories from Fat 290 48% Total Fat 32.3 g 49% Saturated Fat 5.3 g 26% Cholesterol 56.6 mg 18% Sodium 706.8 mg 29% Total Carbohydrate 53.6 g 17% Dietary Fiber 10.4 g 41% Sugars 8.2 g 32% Protein 27.4 g 54%

    Avocado and Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad (No Mayonnaise)

    Chicken salad is always a summer time favorite. It is easy to make, can be prepared in advance, and is used in a variety of ways (pita, wrap, stuffed in tomatoes, as is, etc). However, the problem with a traditional chicken salad recipe is it’s loaded with mayonnaise. 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise is 100 calories and some recipes call for at least ½ cup or more. As you can imagine this can be an issue for those of us trying to eat healthy.

    Well I found a solution. A delicious solution. One that will never have you missing mayonnaise ever! I am not kidding. Plain Greek yogurt and a ripe avocado mashed together and mixed with chopped or shredded chicken breast. Who knew?! I threw in some spices and chopped red onion for crunch. OH MY GOD. Soooo good.

    Here’s a video I made to bring this recipe to life.

    This recipe is very versatile and you can play around with different flavors. I was thinking about adding in some feta cheese and oregano for a little Greek flare. Maybe a little chipotle seasoning and cilantro for some added kick. Yum! I also really enjoy the crunch from the red onion. If you are not a red onion fan then leave it out or add in another crunchy vegetable. Sky is the limit with this basic recipe.

    If you were trying to figure out a way to fit chicken salad into your summer menu then give this recipe a try. You will love it!

    • 1 ripe avocado, removed from skin
    • ½ cup plain Greek yogurt
    • ½ teaspoon garlic granulated garlic
    • ½ teaspoon onion powder
    • ¼ teaspoon salt
    • ¼ ground pepper
    • 2 cups finely chopped or shredded cooked chicken
    • ½ red onion, chopped
    • 1 small lime
    1. In a medium bowl mash together avocado and greek yogurt until smooth.
    2. Stir in garlic, onion powder, salt, and pepper.
    3. Add chicken and red onion to avocado mixture and stir until all ingredients are combined.
    4. Squeeze in half the juice from the lime. Give it a taste, squeeze in the rest of the lime if needed. I used all of the lime juice.
    5. Serve in a wrap, in a pita, or anyway you typically enjoy chicken salad.

    This recipe can be made up to 3 days ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator.

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    I just made this with leftover oven roasted turkey breast. So good!! I added some finely chopped celery for an extra crunch. I rolled it in a spinach wrap. The avocado and plain yogurt was so good I may never use mayo in anything again! Love this website! I’ve lost 25 lbs since mid-April using your recipes and getting off my duff to walk and use the elliptical. Thanks!

    Lisa that is amazing. I absolutely love hearing about people losing weight with my help! Keep going girl!

    Hey has anyone tried this with canned white chicken? I know what you are thinking. But I just don’t have a lot of time. You think it could work?

    No wonder this recipe has gone viral – it looks delicious! I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t want to go mayo-less. Aren’t avocados just the best? Thanks for the recipe – I can’t wait to try it.

    Your instructions did not tell when to add the garlic

    Step 2 of the instructions

    Do u have all the breakdowns as far as fat, calories, protein, etc? Thx!

    When is the garlic to be added?

    I made your recipe last night, and I think it is going to be my favorite snack throughout summer. Hubby liked it too, so this is extra bonus.

    I will try this recipe today. Looks delicious. Maybe will try some grapes or cherries in with it.

    This recipe is wonderful! So simple and healthier than the usual mayo laden chicken salad. New favorite.

    ‘Made this tonight–what a great recipe! I am so glad that I stumbled upon it! I’ll keep coming back for more.

    I shredded a carrot and diced 2 stalks of celery and a cucumber then added 4 oz cooked salmon from last night … then 1/2 an avocado and 2 T non-fat Greek yogurt … mixed it all up and put it in an Herbed Spinach tortilla wrap. We split it for lunch and there’s enough for a snack or a small wrap for our 22yr old. Dr. Just added 2 more blood pressure medications for the hubs & told him to lose 50 lbs. Your site will be of great help!

    I just made this for lunch and it is delicious!! I added almost 3 cups of chicken, and it was still very creamy. Wonderful on a wrap with some torn romaine and cucumbers! Thanks for the awesome recipes!

    This looks wonderful. Going to the grocery store tomorrow and would like to get some good wraps to use with this. Do you have a post about wraps? Or what kind do you suggest that are tasty yet lower cal or healthy too? Thanks for all your help.

    I am totally stuck on Joseph’s Flax, Oat Bran & Whole Wheat Square Lavash for wraps. It is a bit thin, but only 50 calories for half of a large piece. This is my go-to bread. Their pitas are great also. Can get at Walmart or order online.

    Love adding halved green or red seedless grapes to chicken salad…..chopped walnuts or sunflower seeds are nice touches, too.

    Hi! Looks yummy! One question…. Whole fat or non fat greek yogurt? Also, what brand do you use?

    Looks like I posted the same question twice! Sorry! I didn’t see my question and thought it must not have sent from my phone.

    What is granulated garlic? Is that garlic powder?

    Sorry to be a non-avocado and greek yogurt person, but they just don’t appeal to me, any suggestions on substitutes. I love chicken salad and would love some refreshing and weight conscious suggestions to try!

    Had it for lunch on a whole wheat pita! So yymmy! I already can’t wait for lunch tomorrow! It doesn’t miss the mayo at all!

    I love chicken salad with some walnuts and grapes (or dried cherries) in it. I am going to try it in this recipe.

    This sounds yummy, and I will have to try it! I like chopped celery in my chicken salad, and pickle relish or chopped pickles are a must.

    I’ve been using Greek yogurt as a mayo substitute for quite awhile now but decided to try the avocado with it. It’s definitely a good combo. I took your recipe and gave it a little spicy kick as I’m very into spicy. I put fresh cilantro, red onion, yellow bell pepper, garlic, a jalapeño finely diced, cumin and chipotle chili powder. I used a portion of a rotisserie chicken to make it. It turned out wonderful! Thanks for the idea.

    Sounds luscious! One tiny suggestion: When you give the mixture that first squirt of lime juice, mix it in and let it all stand for about 10 to 15 minutes in order for all the ingredients to “marry”. That can make all the difference in flavor, than if you add more right away. This standing time is good also for other mixtures such as salsas, guacamole, dips and spreads.

    I had this tonight and added green apples instead of red onion (I’m allergic) It was great! Eat it on a bed of lettuce.

    Yum I LOVE the idea of adding green apple to that. I am going to try that out! Thanks for the suggestion.

    I made this for lunch today. So far, it tastes good. I have it sitting for a bit for the flavors to blend together. Question, I’ve never bought or made anything with avocado before, they had a sticker that said RIPE in the store, but they did not seem to mush up easily…..I even put them in a mini food chopper, but it was definitely not smooth….still tastes pretty good. Did I do something wrong with the avocado??

    If the avocado is ripe it should give a little when you press on it. You don’t want it to feel mushy or it’s too ripe. It it feels hard to the touch then it’s not ripe. If you put it in a brown paper bag or put it in a bowl with other fruits it will speed up the ripening process.

    This is sooooo much better than using mayo! My chicken was pre-seasoned thighs (Greek recipe) which made it even more tasty! I also added chopped celery. I used garlic powder. It came out delicious. Want to try the tuna one next!

    This was an awesome recipe, I am a weight watcher member and have missed chicken salad since I don’t like the lowfat mayo, this is phenomenal! Even my mom loved it and she is skeptical of some of my lowfat recipes sometimes.

    This looks amazing. I bet some dried cranberries would finish it off perfectly. Will try it in lettuce wraps

    Just made this tonight, so good! I can’t wait for lunch tomorrow.

    I can freeze these right? I mean after I wrap them? I really need to freeze them. I have quite a few here.

    just made this!! super delish and cant wait to put in a wrap for my lunch at work tomorrow. yum yum yumo.

    Wow. Hands down the best chicken salad I have EVER had! Just perfect. Thank you.

    Unbelievably good. Thanks so much. This made me wonder whether plain Greek yogurt in place of mayo might work for healthier deviled eggs. You’re my new favorite blog.

    Is the avocados mashed or just cut in slices? Looking forward to making this!

    I made this recipe last night and it was amazing! I can’t believe how good the avocado and greek yogurt taste! I honestly didn’t miss the mayo. I’m now going through and grabbing other recipes to try out!! Thank you. 🙂

    This week I’ve decided to experiment with the whole “meal prep” idea. This recipe is perfect! The avocado/greek yogurt combo is delicious! I added pickle and lemon pepper. Thank you for sharing!

    Holy Avvocado. I just made this for my lunch tomorrow and it’s so good I want to eat it now. We have a pasta lunch at work tomorrow and I didn’t want to blow it. I went searching for something delicious & healthy & found this. Thank you for sharing this. Chicken salad is my comfort food so this is my go to recipe from here on out. Once a month I get together with all my sisters for creative projects. We all host it twice a year & try to serve a healthy & delicious lunch. Now I know what I’ll be serving. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    I made this today. I cooked the chicken in a slow cooker for 6 hours with 2 cups of organic chicken broth. Easily shredded. So freagin yummy!

    Can’t wait to try this. Chicken was cooked with garlic and onion. Will leave the powdered forms out (add TOO much sodium). Will opt for celery, too. Love this.

    This was delicious. I added cilantro and apples … My husband loved too . We will be making this again for sure

    Why didn’t I think of that? Got a bowl of apples on the counter and fresh cilantro growing in the garden.

    Just wondering…the recipe card says 6 ww points, the info underneath the recipe card says 4 WW points. Which one? I would’ve used the calculator to figure it out myself but there is no info on how much carbs are in a serving. Thanks!!

    Sorry about that. I will refigure and post.

    I knew there had to be substitute for mayo in one of my favorite things and I found your recipe.

    It is DELICIOUS! I subbed some diced cucumber for the onions to keep the crunch without too much onion.

    Pretty sure this will become a go to fix for left over roasted chicken. =)

    I added a bit of cucumber (deseeded and chopped), a bit of chopped lettuce and a few chopped fresh basil leaves… You should try it! 😉

    Thank you so much for this recipe. It is so amazingly delicious! Even my picky sister ate it and loved it !!

    I was really scared of the “yogurt” but wow. It really worked out. Don’t be scared!

    Does this keep in the fridge or will it turn black with the avocado?

    Mine kept fine in the the fridge.

    This was sooooo good! Made it Monday and had today for lunch on low-carb wrap. I will have to try Tuna salad one too! Thanks!

    I was skeptical biting into it not going to lie. I am not a big fan of onions or lime. However this was a fantastic recipe. I will be using this for my work lunches, thanks!

    hi! I was wondering if it was 6 points including the wrap?! Or is it just 6points for the mixture!

    Just the mixture.

    Just made this for lunch (minus chopped onions) rolled up on a lettuce leaf and it was delicious!! My 11 year old , 9 year old and 3 year old all liked it too. Looking forward to viewing more of your recipes. I am not trying to lose weight right now because I am pregnant, but I am trying to eat as healthy as possible and not gain too much weight as I already had 20 pounds extra. No cutting calories, just replacing bad stuff with good stuff. Thanks!!

    So simple, yet so good… Fabulous recipe!! Thanks so much for creating this!

    What would calories look like if made with rotisserie chicken?

    I’m not entirely sure. It probably wouldn’t change it too much.

    This is one of my favorite recipes it’s amazing! I kept going into the fridge to sneak bites before it was mealtime. I added a little more salt and pepper than the recipe called for and 1/2 tsp dried dill. Have made many times! Thank you for this awesome recipe!

    Made this today! So awesome.

    I just made this for my supper and it was delicious. Thank you for the great healthy recipe.

    I’m trying this recipe today, I’m always looking for higher protein recipes. Thank you…keep sending these!

    What an excellent idea to combine the yogurt and avocado. Absolutely delicious. Thank you!!

    I just made this and it is AMAZING! I added grape tomatoes cut up to absorb some of the liquid. I wrapped the salad in turmeric wraps which really added nicely to the taste. Will definitely make this again!

    Just made this and I loved it!

    Hello…a big thanks from Norway! This chikensalad was so insane good!! I just had to say thanks for this recipe! Even my 2 year old loved it!!

    Yay! That’s awesome!

    This was completely and totally delicious! Will definitely be one of my go to’s now. Thanks!

    Super good! We added 1/4 cup of fresh cilantro to it to enhance the lime. Super yummy!

    Love the addition of cilantro!

    copyright © 2017 Organize Yourself Skinny


    Two Girls Cooking

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    Hähnchen in Honig-Chili Marinade mit Tomaten-Avocado Salsa

    Hähnchen in Honig Chili Marinade mit Tomaten-Avocado Salsa

    Wir Mädels lieben es vegetarisch zu kochen, doch manchmal haben wir auch Lust auf Fleisch! Deshalb gibt’s heute ein zartes Hühnerfilet in einer feurig süßen Marinade. Das Hähnchen kann man natürlich auch durch Halloumi ersetzen. Durch das einlegen in die Marinade bleibt das Fleisch beim Braten zart und wird nicht trocken. Chili Honig und Sojasauce geben dem Gericht eine asiatische Note, das Salsa erfrischt den brennenden Mund. Und wenn man dann noch oben Sesamkörner drauf streut erfüllt sich das Sprichwort: Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn!

    Hähnchen in Honig-Chili Marinade

    1 Esslöffel Honig

    2 Esslöffel Sojasauce

    Halber Teelöffel getrocknete Chili Flocken

    1 Esslöffel Sesamöl

    1. Die Hühnerbrust in kleine Stücke schneiden. Aus Sojasauce, Honig, Chiliflocken und Sesamöl eine Marinade anrühren. Das Fleisch darin mindestens eine halbe Stunde marinieren.
    2. Dem Wok ordentlich Feuer geben, ja ich hab auch keinen Gasherd, aber auf jeden Fall ordentlich heiß werden lassen.
    3. Das Fleisch mit der Marinade scharf anbraten, nicht zu lang!
    4. Nach dem Braten mit Sesamkörnern bestreuen und mit Chilifäden dekorieren.

    Tomaten Avocado Salsa

    Eine vollreife Avocado

    1 Esslöffel Olivenöl

    Saft einer halben Limette

    1. Tomaten klein würfeln, Avocado in kleinen Nockerln aus der Schale schaben. Frühlingszwiebel fein hacken.
    2. Alles schön zusammen mantschen.
    3. Eine Knoblauchzehe hinein drücken, Olivenöl und Limettensaft dazu geben. Der Limettensaft verhindert dass das Salsa braun wird.
    4. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Chili würde natürlich auch sehr gut rein passen, aber wenn man die Salsa zum Honig-Chili Hähnchen serviert ist schon genug Schärfe im Essen.
    5. Eine halbe Stunde im Kühlschrank ziehen lassen.

    Chicken, Spinach and Avocado Breakfast Quesadillas

    Quesadillas are popular as a lunch dish, but they also make a versatile breakfast. Start with whole-wheat tortillas and stuff them with lean chicken breast, scrambled eggs, spinach, tomato and avocado. They’re easy to vary, so you can also make your own healthy combination.

    Chicken, Spinach and Avocado Breakfast Quesadillas

    1 Tbs. olive oil, plus more for greasing

    1 small boneless, skinless chicken breast half, 4 to 5 oz. (125 to 155 g)

    1/4 tsp. sea salt, plus more, to taste

    1/8 tsp. freshly ground pepper, plus more, to taste

    1 cup (2 oz./60 g) coarsely chopped spinach

    1 ripe small tomato, seeded and chopped

    2 whole-wheat tortillas, each 10 inches (25 cm) in diameter

    1/2 cup (2 oz./60 g) shredded sharp white cheddar cheese

    1/4 cup (2 oz./60 g) nonfat Greek-style yogurt

    1 small ripe avocado, pitted, peeled and sliced

    1/4 cup (2 oz./60 g) pico de gallo

    Preheat a broiler. Lightly oil a broiler pan.

    Place the chicken breast between 2 pieces of plastic wrap and lightly pound with a meat pounder to a thickness of about 1/2 inch (12 mm). Brush with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Arrange the chicken on the prepared pan and broil, turning once, until lightly browned on both sides and firm when pressed, about 5 minutes total. Transfer to a cutting board and cut into 1/2-inch (12-mm) dice. Reduce the oven to 200°F (95°C).

    In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, the 1/4 tsp. salt and the 1/8 tsp. pepper. In a fry pan over medium heat, warm the 1 Tbs. olive oil. Add the eggs and scramble until starting to set, about 20 seconds. Add the chicken, spinach and tomato and cook, stirring, until the eggs are just cooked into moist, creamy curds but are not dry, about 1 minute more. Remove from the heat and set aside.

    Warm another fry pan over medium heat. Place 1 tortilla in the hot pan and heat for 1 minute. Flip the tortilla over and sprinkle half of the cheese over the bottom half. Top the cheese with half of the egg-chicken mixture. Fold over the top of the tortilla to cover the filling. Continue cooking until the bottom begins to brown, about 1 minute. Flip and cook until lightly browned on the other side, about 1 minute more. Transfer to a baking sheet and keep warm in the oven. Repeat to make a second quesadilla.

    Cut the quesadillas into wedges. Top each serving with a dollop of yogurt, some avocado slices and a spoonful of pico de gallo. Serve immediately. Serves 4.

    Find more great recipes for sunrise specialties in our book

    Blackened chicken

    With San Fran quinoa salad

    Nutrition per serving

    Of an adult's reference intake

    Jamie's 15-Minute Meals


    • 300 g quinoa
    • 1 fresh red chilli or yellow chilli
    • 100 g baby spinach
    • 4 spring onions
    • 1 bunch of fresh coriander
    • 1 bunch of fresh mint
    • 1 large ripe mango
    • 2 limes
    • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
    • 1 ripe avocado
    • 50 g feta cheese
    • 1 punnet cress
    • 2 x 200 g skinless free-range chicken breasts
    • 1 heaped teaspoon ground allspice
    • 1 heaped teaspoon smoked paprika
    • olive oil
    • 2 mixed-colour peppers
    • TO SERVE
    • 4 tablespoons fat-free yoghurt

    Jamie's 15-Minute Meals

    Share this Recipe

    Put the quinoa into the pan and generously cover with boiling water and the lid.


    Hähnchenbrustfilet abspülen, trocken tupfen, in Streifen schneiden und wellenförmig auf Holzspieße stecken. Öl mit Chilipulver und Salz verrühren und Hähnchenspieße darin ohne weitere Fettzugabe ca. 4 Minuten von allen Seiten braten und zur Seite stellen.

    Eichblattsalat waschen, trocken schleudern und in mundgerechte Stücke zerteilen. Tomaten waschen und würfeln. Avocado halbieren, den Stein entfernen, Avocado schälen und Fruchtfleisch in Spalten schneiden. Für das Dressing Mangos schälen, Fruchtfleisch vom Stein schneiden und würfeln. Mangowürfel mit Essig, Öl, Petersilie und Wasser pürieren, salzen und pfeffern. Eichblattsalat mit Tomatenwürfeln und Avocadospalten anrichten, mit Dressing beträufeln und mit Hähnchenspießen servieren.

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    WEIGHT WATCHERS ist die eingetragene Marke von Weight Watchers International, Inc. SmartPoints ist die Marke von Weight Watchers International, Inc. Diese Marken werden unter Lizenz von Weight Watchers (Deutschland) GmbH benutzt.

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    This is a great way to prepare chicken breasts. The texture of the crisp cooked prosciutto goes brilliantly with the tender chicken. Bashing the chicken out thinly before you start cooking means it cooks much faster than a regular chicken breast. If you can't get hold of prosciutto, then any kind of thin ham, such as Parma ham, or even smoked streaky bacon, will work just as well.


    • 2 sprigs of fresh thyme
    • 2 skinless chicken breast fillets, preferably free-range or organic
    • Freshly ground black pepper
    • 1 lemon
    • 1 1/4 ounces grated Parmesan
    • 6 slices of prosciutto
    • Olive oil

    Cooking Directions

    Grate your Parmesan. Pick the thyme leaves off the stalks. Carefully score the underside of the chicken breasts in a criss-cross fashion with a small knife. Season with a little pepper (you don't need salt as the prosciutto is quite salty). Lay your breasts next to each other and sprinkle over most of the thyme leaves. Grate a little lemon zest over them, then sprinkle with the Parmesan. Lay 3 prosciutto slices on each chicken breast, overlapping them slightly. Drizzle with a little olive oil and sprinkle with the remaining thyme leaves. Put a square of plastic wrap over each breast and give them a few really good bashes with the bottom of a saucepan until they're about 1/2 inch thick.

    Put a frying pan over medium heat. Remove plastic wrap and carefully transfer the chicken breast, prosciutto side down, into the pan. Drizzle over some olive oil. Cook for 3 minutes on each side, turning halfway through, giving the ham side an extra 30 seconds to crisp up.

    Either serve the chicken breasts whole or cut them into thick slices and pile them on a plate. Serve with some lemon wedges for squeezing over, and a good drizzle of olive oil. Lovely with mashed potatoes and green veggies or a crunchy salad!

    *Recipe courtesy of Jamie Oliver from Jamie's Food Revolution; Hyperion, 2009.

    Hähnchen-Avocado-Burritos mit Erdnuss-Sauce

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    • 4 große Weizentortillas
    • 2 Hähnchenbrustfilets
    • 1 Avocado
    • 1/2 rote Paprika
    • 100 g geriebener Cheddar
    • 4 Esslöffel Saure Sahne
    • 1 Esslöffel Sojasauce
    • 2 Teelöffel Honig
    • Paprikapulver
    • Salz, Pfeffer
    • 1 Esslöffel Pflanzenöl
    • 1 Zweig(e) Koriander
    • 200 g cremige Erdnussbutter
    • 4 Esslöffel Kokosmilch
    • 2 Esslöffel Sojasauce

    Im gefüllten Weizenfladen treffen 4 Aromagiganten aufeinander: würzig gebratenes Hähnchen, buttrige Avocado, schmelzender Käse und cremige Erdnuss-Sauce. Einmal eingerollt, gibt diesen raffinierten Burrito so schnell niemand mehr aus der Hand – es sei denn, er landet von dort aus auf direktem Wege im Mund.

    Wie das mit dem füllen und rollen am besten klappt, verrät das Burrito-Grundrezept.

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