Hähnchen Kebab in Crepe- Osmanisches Rezept-Tavuklu krep kebabi
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Mustafas Gemüse Kebap – Cult Favourite Döner in Berlin
Emerging from the U-Bahn station on the west side of Mehringdamm in Berlin Kreuzberg, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it was the first day of the sales or that a famous celebrity is signing autographs but the long line of people you see are queuing for a Döner at Mustafas Gemüse Kebap.
Strolling down almost any street in the German capital you’ll find a handful of options for Berlin’s most popular snack options the Currywurst and the Döner Kebap. Mustafa’s has been a cult favourite since it started selling a twist on the traditional kebab made with chicken and roasted vegetables.
Mustafa’s has appeared in numerous Berlin guide books and newspaper articles that guarantee it a steady stream of tourist trade to add to the local interest.
If that wasn’t enough, the guys made an advert.
All this adds up to spectacularly long queues.
Just walking along the pavement on Mehringdamm is difficult at times because the queues from Mustafa’s and another local legend Curry 36 often meet each other.
It’s not unusual to have to queue for 30 minutes or more.
The big question: is it worth the wait?
I have to say that I’m a big fan of the Hähnchen Döner mit Gemüse (Chicken doner with vegetables).
As is the norm, there is a choice of three sauces: Kräuter (herb), Knoblauch (garlic), Scharf (spicy) and the usual array of salad.
For me though, it’s the finishing touches that make the kebabs here special.
Firstly, shortly before serving a mystery liquid (Mustafa’s secret ingredient) is squeezed onto the meat and vegetables.
Hähnchen Gemüse Döner (Chicken Vegetable Doner Kebab)
Then, the pièce de résistance a crumbling of Feta cheese and a squeeze of juice straight from the lemon add a freshness that elevates a Mustafas Gemüse Kebap above the average Döner.
Whether it is worth standing in the queue for upwards of half an hour to get your hands on one really depends on how busy you are and what else you could be doing with your time.
The obvious question when confronted with such a popular spot is why there aren’t branches in every corner of Berlin. There were outposts under Eberswalder Straße U-Bahnhof and on Oranienburger Straße near Hackescher Markt in 2012 but neither lasted unfortunately.
Other shops and stalls have popped up all over Berlin selling Gemüse Döner though so there are alternatives if you can’t face, or don’t have time, for the queues – I would recommend K’UPS Gemüse Kebap on Kastanianallee.
With so much hype surrounding a kebab shop it would be easy to write Mustafas Gemüse Kebap off as a Berlin tourist trap but the truth is that the Döner here is something special – and they do say the best things in life are worth waiting for.
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4 Responses to Mustafas Gemüse Kebap – Cult Favourite Döner in Berlin
Well Mustafa’s Döner is clearly something else. I wouldn’t stand in line for half an hour or so for it. But sometimes at night, usually after 3am, you sometimes get lucky and only have to wait for 5 minutes or so. Which makes this place the perfect venue to satisfy your craving after a night of drinking 😉
Andy, it was because of the long queues that it took me so long to eat at Mustafa’s and even longer to post about it. I think you’ve got the right idea going when there is only a short line and using a Kebap there as a booze sponge.
I ate once in Mustafa Kebab, and is one of the best kebabs I ate in my life. I really don’t know why, but is really good. If one day I be again in Berlin, I ll be there for sure. I wait 1:30 h in line, when I was there.
- Döner Macht Schöner – 6 of the Best Berlin Kebaps - andBerlin - 22 July, 2015
[…] Mustafa’s Gemüse Kebap – Kreuzberg […]
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About Berlin Love
A blog about life in Berlin. Launched in 2011 as andBerlin and rebranded as Berlin Love in 2017. My visits to the city’s sights, attractions, bars and restaurants should be a helpful guide for anyone looking for things to do in the city.
All recommendations on this site are brought to you with Berlin Love. Find out more about what brought me here on my About page.
Hamburg kocht!
Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012
Hähnchen-Kebab mit Koriander-Pesto (Chicken kebabs with coriander pesto)
Jerk und Erdbussöl mariniert und gegrillt; aus den Karkassen
wurde Hühnerbrühe, und das Filet wurde zu Kebab.
2 TL Limettenschale
2 EL Limettensaft
1 TL Korianderpulver
700 g Hähnchenbrustfilet
½ Tasse (125 ml) Koriandergrün
2 Knoblauchzehen, geschält
125 ml Erdnussöl
nach Geschmack Pecorino, Salz und Pfeffer
Schon wieder so ein Gericht was ich nachmachen muss! Ich hoffe wir bekommen nochmal so etwas ähnliches wie Sommer, damit wir noch ein Barbecue hinkriegen.
Aber an ganze Hähnchen habe ich mich auch noch nicht getraut. Das steht mir noch bevor.
So schwer ist das Zerlegen gar nicht - die Übung macht's. Aber ich bin auch ganz froh, dass unsere "Hühnerfrau" auch Hähnchenteile verkauft.
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Döner Macht Schöner – 6 of the Best Berlin Kebaps
Over the years I have lived in Berlin I have criss-crossed the city trying out Berlin Kebab recommendations from friends, readers, newspapers and blogs in my search for the best Berlin Kebaps.
Legend has it that the Döner Kebab (Doner Kebab) was invented in Berlin in the 1970s and I have seen the discovery credited to both Kadir Nurman and Mehmet Aygün. Many however would dispute that either have any right to claim to have invented a snack that has existed in various forms for centuries.
Regardless of when, where and who came up with the idea, Döner is a hugely popular snack in Berlin and the versions sold here are far superior to most of the soggy messes I have eaten in the UK.
Please note that the Kebabs are not listed in any specific order, as I would find it almost impossible to rank them, especially as I have different favourite dishes at each. You can click on the name of any Döner Bude to take you to a more detailed description with more photos.
A Dürüm Döner from Balli Döner
Balli Döner – Multiple Locations
There are 9 Balli Döner Imbiße across Berlin so the chances are that you’ve wandered past one at some point. Next time, pop in and treat yourself.
My Advice: Have a Dürüm. They are massive and absolutely delicious. Oh, and make sure you have chips/Pommes/fries in it.
A Spezial Döner at Konyali
Konyali – Kreuzberg/Neukölln
Kotti (the area around U-Bahnhof Kottbusser Tor) has a bewildering choice of Kebap options and my restaurant of choice is Konyali, which is next to the station entrance on Reichenberger Straße.
My Advice: Order the Spezial Döner – a plate of chips/Pommes/fries with a generous helping of Döner meat, covered in salad and topped off with tasty sauces.
Hähnchen Gemüse Döner at Mustafa’s Gemüse Kebap
Mustafa’s Gemüse Kebap – Kreuzberg
I know it’s a cliché but I’m yet to find a Kebap in Berlin that can beat the Gemüse Döner at Mustafa’s, though some on this list are its equal. This place appears in all the Berlin guidebooks and is therefore insanely popular.
My Advice: Try to avoid peak times when the queue can go all the way past Curry 36 and it can take 40 minutes or more to get served.
Gemüse Kebap (Chicken Döner) at K’UPS Gemüse Kebap
K’UPS Gemüse Kebap – Prenzlauer Berg
You don’t have to endure massive queues to get a Gemüse Kebap fix. This place on Kastanianallee is every bit as good as its more famous rival on Mehringdamm.
My Advice: In summer, forego a drink with your Kebap and head over the road afterwards for a beer under the trees at PraterGarten.
Döner Kebap im Brot (Doner Kebab) from Imren Grill
Imren Grill – Multiple Locations
The Kebap Spieß (the rotating skewer of meat) at Imren is unlike any other I’ve seen in Berlin so far and the meat tastes very different. Their secret is a homemade mixture of marinated and seasoned beef flavoured with lamb fat.
My Advice: If you want to take a photo of that incredible Kebap Spieß, ask first – I was asked to delete the photos I took at the Neukölln Bude.
Chicken Döner Kebap at Hisar Fresh Food
Hisar – Schöneberg
If you want to leave that difficult ‘chicken or beef’ question to the last minute you can get both at Hisar. Just queue at the window with the chicken or cow symbol depending on your preference.
My Advice: Go with a friend (or a big appetite) so you can try the beef and the chicken at the same visit.
According to Berlin Döner there are 1300 Döner Buden (shops or stalls) in Berlin so naturally I can’t be sure that I’ve eaten all the best ones yet, though I’m trying my best to work my way through them. For that reason, this list is and always will be 6 of the Best Berlin Kebaps rather than the best Döner Kebaps and I’ll update it whenever my preferences change.
If you have a favourite Döner Bude in Berlin that doesn’t appear on this list please let me know in the comments. My quest for the best Berlin Kebaps will never be over and recommendations are therefore always welcome.
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3 Responses to Döner Macht Schöner – 6 of the Best Berlin Kebaps
Thanks for the amazing list! I’ve taken the liberty to add a few to my foursquare ‘todo’ lists (need to review all of them!) and add a single one to my ‘must do for men’ list there –
Feel free to connect and be inspired! But above all, keep on posting this jummy stuff!
Kees, your Foursquare list is a great idea. I’ve been struggling to find a use for Foursquare since the whole Swarm split but I now follow you on Twitter so will hopefully see your Kebap adventures there.
- Mustafas Gemüse Kebap – Cult Favourite Döner in Berlin - 6 April, 2016
[…] you’ll find a handful of options for Berlin’s most popular snack options the Currywurst and the Döner Kebap. Mustafa’s has been a cult favourite since it started selling a twist on the traditional kebab […]
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About Berlin Love
A blog about life in Berlin. Launched in 2011 as andBerlin and rebranded as Berlin Love in 2017. My visits to the city’s sights, attractions, bars and restaurants should be a helpful guide for anyone looking for things to do in the city.
All recommendations on this site are brought to you with Berlin Love. Find out more about what brought me here on my About page.
Translations for „kebab“ in the English » German Dictionary (Go to German » English)
ke · bab [kɪˈbæb, Am -ˈbɑ:b] NOUN
kebab VERB
don · er ke · bab [ˈdɒnəkɪbæb, Am ˌdoʊnɚkɪˈbɑ:b] NOUN
shish ke · bab [ˈʃi:ʃkɪˌbæb, Am ˈʃɪʃkəˌbɑ:b] NOUN
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Malmö may be the capital of the Skåne region, famous for its rich dairy, goose, eel and farm fresh foods.
But Malmö is also a multicultural melting pot of world culture cuisine where you can just as easily grab a genuine kebab on the go as gourmet escallops of fried goose liver.
Restaurant Salt & Brygga in Malmö
Malmö mag die Hauptstadt der Region Skåne sein, die für ihre gehaltvollen Gänse- und Aalgerichte, Milchprodukte und erntefrischen Zutaten berühmt ist.
Malmö ist aber auch ein multikultureller Schmelztiegel für Ethno-Küche, in dem Sie ebenso ein echtes Kebab zum Mitnehmen wie Feinschmeckerhäppchen aus gebratener Gänseleber bekommen können.
Restaurant Salt & Brygga in Malmö
The new U 200 mincing machine has many application areas :
It is used for mixing and mincing of minced meat and cheese, production of kebab and hamburgers, use in meat standardisation and raw sausage production.
Careful material supply and reduction of mechanical product strain permit processing of sensitive materials as well.
Der neue Mischwolf U 200 hat zahlreiche Anwendungsbereiche :
Mischen und Wolfen von Hackfleisch und Käse, Produktion von Kebab und Hamburgern, Einsatz bei der Fleischstandardisierung, der Rohwurstproduktion.
Die schonende Materialzuführung sowie die Reduzierung mechanischer Produktbelastungen erlauben die Verarbeitung auch empfindlicher Materialien.
s best known traditional food.
Ljubljana’s most popular fast foods also include kebab , which can be found across Europe, pizza slices, all kinds of sandwiches and, since recently, various salads and other healthy dishes made from fresh, raw ingredients.
Variante bekommen hat, deren Füllung Quark, Kohl und Zutaten aus der bekanntesten traditionellen Spezialität Mittelsloweniens – der Krainer Wurst – enthält.
Neben den europaweit verbreiteten Kebabs sind in Ljubljana auch Pizzastücke und Sandwiches aller Art beliebt; in letzter Zeit setzen sich auch Salate und andere gesunde Speisen aus frischen und rohen Zutaten immer mehr durch.
The country ’s agriculture also ensures that meat is a key ingredient in many dishes.
The kavarma, an eastern-style kebab , and roast lamb or suckling pig, play a starring role in Bulgarian cooking alongside spices and aromatic herbs such as garlic, onion, mint and dill.
Herbs which, when combined with meat and the passage of time, result in exquisite sausages.
Eine Landwirtschaft, die auch dazu beiträgt, dass Fleisch ein Hauptbestandteil vieler Gerichte ist.
Das Kavarma, ein Kebab orientalischer Herkunft, und Spanferkel oder gebratenes Lamm verlangen lautstark nach der Hauptrolle in einer Küche, die auf Gewürze und aromatische Kräuter wie Knoblauch, Zwiebel, Minze und Dill setzt.
Diese aromatischen Kräuter ergeben, kombiniert mit dem Gang der Zeit und mit zu Wurst verarbeitetem Fleisch, exquisite Salamiwürste.
Due to the fact that retail brands are also of major importance to Vossko, we have been exhibiting at the PLMA for many years and of course are also present again at the international trade show in Amsterdam.
This year, our products chicken kebab , crispy chicken burger, as well as soy articles with new recipes, are in the focus of attention.
At the PLMA, the visitors can ask our sales managers Josef Knappheide (food retailing) and Christian Nüvemann (export) all the questions they like to have answered about domestic and international retail brands, and taste the articles mentioned above.
Da Handelsmarken auch für Vossko eine große Bedeutung haben, stellen wir seit vielen Jahren auf der PLMA aus und sind natürlich auch 2014 wieder auf der internationalen Fachmesse in Amsterdam vertreten.
Dieses Jahr rücken wir unsere Produkte Hähnchen Kebab , Crispy Chicken Burger sowie die Soja-Artikel mit neuer Rezeptur in den Mittelpunkt.
Auf der PLMA können die Besucher mit unseren Verkaufsleitern Josef Knappheide (LEH) und Christian Nüvemann (Export) über alle Fragen nationaler und internationaler Handelsmarken sprechen und die oben genannten Artikel verkosten.
One of these changes is street food in Berlin.
For around a year and a half small businesses have been turning their attention to alternatives to typical fast food such as döner kebabs and currywurst.
When visiting the Bite Club or Markthalle 9 she can fend off homesickness with excellent authentic food from her home, California, which is famous for its thriving street food scene.
Eine dieser Veränderungen betrifft die Berliner Street Food Szene.
Seit ca. anderthalb Jahren machen verstärkt kleine Unternehmungen auf sich aufmerksam, die eine Alternative zu herkömmlichem Fast Food wie Döner Kebab oder Currywurst bieten.
Beim Besuch des Bite Clubs oder der Markthalle 9 kann sie durch ausgezeichnetes und authentisches Essen auf die Hand ihr Heimweh bekämpfen, weil ihre Heimat Kalifornien für ihre ausgeprägte Street Food Szene bekannt ist.
All this stress adds an extra challenge when it comes to sticking to a healthy and balanced diet.
But there s no reason why a sandwich, burger or kebab cannot also be a balanced lunch:
Dieser Arbeitsstress macht es uns nicht leicht, sich gesund und ausgewogen zu ernähren.
Aber auch ein Sandwich, ein Burger oder ein Kebab können ausgewogene Z ’ Mittage sein:
Although a kebab consisting of bread, meat, vegetables ( tomatoes, salad, onions ) is a complete meal, it s often too much food at once.
Ein Kebab , der aus Brot, Fleisch und Gemüse ( Tomaten, Salat, Zwiebeln ) besteht, ist eine vollständige, aber manchmal zu grosse Mahlzeit.
Everything you need, for your comfort and entertainment, is provided in the surrounding restaurants and bars.
The Doner kebab , which you can buy on the beach, is highly recommended.
Sanitary facilities, as well as lighting for evenings and nights, are available.
Für Ihr leibliches Wohl, sowie für Ihre Unterhaltung wird in den umliegenden Restaurants und Bars gesorgt.
Besonders empfehlenswert ist der Döner Kebab , den man am Stand kaufen kann.
Sanitaere Anlagen, wie auch eine Beleuchtung fuer Abends und Nachts sind vorhanden.
paprika flakes red and green, salt, black pepper, cinnamon, allspice, cumin.
Suits to Döner, kebab , pizza, lamb Without glutamic acid, preservatives and colored material.
Paprika, Salz, schwarzer Pfeffer, Zimt, Piment, Kreuzkümmel . Verwendung:
Döner, Kebab , Pizza, Lamm,.... Frei von Glutamat, Farbstoffen und Konservierungsmitteln. Kundenrezensionen:
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Hähnchen & Kebab am Leimen
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Pikanter Kebab-Hähnchen-Salat - coop Feine Lebensmittel - 125 g
Barcode: 4006495563552 (EAN / EAN-13)
Product characteristics
Common name: Pikanter Kebab-Hähnchen-Salat mit Gurke und Weißkraut verfeinert
Manufacturing or processing places: Deutschland
Countries where sold: Germany
→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).
Substances or products causing allergies or intolerances: Celery, Gluten, Eigelb, Sahnejoghurt, Senfsaat
Nutrition facts
NutriScore color nutrition grade
Warning: the amount of fiber is not specified, their possible positive contribution to the grade could not be taken into account.
Warning: the amount of fruits, vegetable and nuts is not specified, their possible positive contribution to the grade could not be taken into account.
Nutrient levels for 100 g
1.9 g Saturated fat in moderate quantity
4.4 g Sugars in low quantity
1.6 g Salt in high quantity
Comparison to average values of products in the same category:
→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.
Product added on November 3, 2016 at 9:57:13 AM CET by kakao.
Last edit of product page on November 3, 2016 at 10:29:48 AM CET by kakao.
Open Food Facts
A collaborative, free and open database of food products from around the world.
The Voyage Kids
Fast food in Germany
German fast food is much more than just burgers and fried chicken!
Die Bratwurst (grilled sausage)
You might have heard about the famous German Bratwurst. This sausage is usually made of pork. It is grilled and often served in a bread roll with mustard or ketchup, a bit like a hot dog.
Die Currywurst (sausage in curry sauce)
Sausage with curry sauce is also very popular! This spicy snack is called a Currywurst.
Die Pommes (chips)
Chips are just as popular in Germany as they are in the UK. However, Germans would never have them with vinegar. Instead they often eat their chips covered in both ketchup and mayonnaise!
Ein halbes Hähnchen (half a grilled chicken)
Another delicious traditional German fast food snack is a halbes Hähnchen (half a grilled chicken). You often find these at markets and fairs, sold from food vans.
Der Döner (doner kebab)
Surprisingly, the most popular German fast food dish was actually invented by Turkish immigrants: the Döner Kebab, mostly shortened to Döner in German. A Pitta bread is filled with thin slices of grilled either lamb or chicken, salad and yoghurt sauce.
Translations for „Kebab“ in the German » English Dictionary (Go to English » German)
Ke · bab <-[s], -[s]> [keˈbap] NOUN m GASTR
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Malmö mag die Hauptstadt der Region Skåne sein, die für ihre gehaltvollen Gänse- und Aalgerichte, Milchprodukte und erntefrischen Zutaten berühmt ist.
Malmö ist aber auch ein multikultureller Schmelztiegel für Ethno-Küche, in dem Sie ebenso ein echtes Kebab zum Mitnehmen wie Feinschmeckerhäppchen aus gebratener Gänseleber bekommen können.
Restaurant Salt & Brygga in Malmö
Malmö may be the capital of the Skåne region, famous for its rich dairy, goose, eel and farm fresh foods.
But Malmö is also a multicultural melting pot of world culture cuisine where you can just as easily grab a genuine kebab on the go as gourmet escallops of fried goose liver.
Restaurant Salt & Brygga in Malmö
Der neue Mischwolf U 200 hat zahlreiche Anwendungsbereiche :
Mischen und Wolfen von Hackfleisch und Käse, Produktion von Kebab und Hamburgern, Einsatz bei der Fleischstandardisierung, der Rohwurstproduktion.
Die schonende Materialzuführung sowie die Reduzierung mechanischer Produktbelastungen erlauben die Verarbeitung auch empfindlicher Materialien.
The new U 200 mincing machine has many application areas :
It is used for mixing and mincing of minced meat and cheese, production of kebab and hamburgers, use in meat standardisation and raw sausage production.
Careful material supply and reduction of mechanical product strain permit processing of sensitive materials as well.
Variante bekommen hat, deren Füllung Quark, Kohl und Zutaten aus der bekanntesten traditionellen Spezialität Mittelsloweniens – der Krainer Wurst – enthält.
Neben den europaweit verbreiteten Kebabs sind in Ljubljana auch Pizzastücke und Sandwiches aller Art beliebt; in letzter Zeit setzen sich auch Salate und andere gesunde Speisen aus frischen und rohen Zutaten immer mehr durch.
s best known traditional food.
Ljubljana’s most popular fast foods also include kebab , which can be found across Europe, pizza slices, all kinds of sandwiches and, since recently, various salads and other healthy dishes made from fresh, raw ingredients.
Eine Landwirtschaft, die auch dazu beiträgt, dass Fleisch ein Hauptbestandteil vieler Gerichte ist.
Das Kavarma, ein Kebab orientalischer Herkunft, und Spanferkel oder gebratenes Lamm verlangen lautstark nach der Hauptrolle in einer Küche, die auf Gewürze und aromatische Kräuter wie Knoblauch, Zwiebel, Minze und Dill setzt.
Diese aromatischen Kräuter ergeben, kombiniert mit dem Gang der Zeit und mit zu Wurst verarbeitetem Fleisch, exquisite Salamiwürste.
The country ’s agriculture also ensures that meat is a key ingredient in many dishes.
The kavarma, an eastern-style kebab , and roast lamb or suckling pig, play a starring role in Bulgarian cooking alongside spices and aromatic herbs such as garlic, onion, mint and dill.
Herbs which, when combined with meat and the passage of time, result in exquisite sausages.
Da Handelsmarken auch für Vossko eine große Bedeutung haben, stellen wir seit vielen Jahren auf der PLMA aus und sind natürlich auch 2014 wieder auf der internationalen Fachmesse in Amsterdam vertreten.
Dieses Jahr rücken wir unsere Produkte Hähnchen Kebab , Crispy Chicken Burger sowie die Soja-Artikel mit neuer Rezeptur in den Mittelpunkt.
Auf der PLMA können die Besucher mit unseren Verkaufsleitern Josef Knappheide (LEH) und Christian Nüvemann (Export) über alle Fragen nationaler und internationaler Handelsmarken sprechen und die oben genannten Artikel verkosten.
Due to the fact that retail brands are also of major importance to Vossko, we have been exhibiting at the PLMA for many years and of course are also present again at the international trade show in Amsterdam.
This year, our products chicken kebab , crispy chicken burger, as well as soy articles with new recipes, are in the focus of attention.
At the PLMA, the visitors can ask our sales managers Josef Knappheide (food retailing) and Christian Nüvemann (export) all the questions they like to have answered about domestic and international retail brands, and taste the articles mentioned above.
Eine dieser Veränderungen betrifft die Berliner Street Food Szene.
Seit ca. anderthalb Jahren machen verstärkt kleine Unternehmungen auf sich aufmerksam, die eine Alternative zu herkömmlichem Fast Food wie Döner Kebab oder Currywurst bieten.
Beim Besuch des Bite Clubs oder der Markthalle 9 kann sie durch ausgezeichnetes und authentisches Essen auf die Hand ihr Heimweh bekämpfen, weil ihre Heimat Kalifornien für ihre ausgeprägte Street Food Szene bekannt ist.
One of these changes is street food in Berlin.
For around a year and a half small businesses have been turning their attention to alternatives to typical fast food such as döner kebabs and currywurst.
When visiting the Bite Club or Markthalle 9 she can fend off homesickness with excellent authentic food from her home, California, which is famous for its thriving street food scene.
Dieser Arbeitsstress macht es uns nicht leicht, sich gesund und ausgewogen zu ernähren.
Aber auch ein Sandwich, ein Burger oder ein Kebab können ausgewogene Z ’ Mittage sein:
All this stress adds an extra challenge when it comes to sticking to a healthy and balanced diet.
But there s no reason why a sandwich, burger or kebab cannot also be a balanced lunch:
Ein Kebab , der aus Brot, Fleisch und Gemüse ( Tomaten, Salat, Zwiebeln ) besteht, ist eine vollständige, aber manchmal zu grosse Mahlzeit.
Although a kebab consisting of bread, meat, vegetables ( tomatoes, salad, onions ) is a complete meal, it s often too much food at once.
Für Ihr leibliches Wohl, sowie für Ihre Unterhaltung wird in den umliegenden Restaurants und Bars gesorgt.
Besonders empfehlenswert ist der Döner Kebab , den man am Stand kaufen kann.
Sanitaere Anlagen, wie auch eine Beleuchtung fuer Abends und Nachts sind vorhanden.
Everything you need, for your comfort and entertainment, is provided in the surrounding restaurants and bars.
The Doner kebab , which you can buy on the beach, is highly recommended.
Sanitary facilities, as well as lighting for evenings and nights, are available.
Paprika, Salz, schwarzer Pfeffer, Zimt, Piment, Kreuzkümmel . Verwendung:
Döner, Kebab , Pizza, Lamm,.... Frei von Glutamat, Farbstoffen und Konservierungsmitteln. Kundenrezensionen:
paprika flakes red and green, salt, black pepper, cinnamon, allspice, cumin.
Suits to Döner, kebab , pizza, lamb Without glutamic acid, preservatives and colored material.
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Hähnchen kebab
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It is because sometimes they confuse it with a shish kebab. Here’s a great song about a man who can eat two doner kebabs after a day-long drinking session
I’m from Baden-Württemberg, and I’ve never heard that word from a Döner maker.
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