Simis Schlemmerblog
Kochen und Backen aus Leidenschaft
Samstag, 19. März 2016
Philadelphia- Hähnchen
100 ml Sahne, 200 Milch ml, 1 Tl Mehl, 150 g Philadelphia Frischkäse, 1 Tl gekörnte Geflügelbrühe, Paprikapulver, Pfeffer und etwas Salz
Die Filet´s mit Schinken umwickeln und mit Senf einstreichen. In eine gefettete, ofenfeste Form legen.
Bei 180 Grad ca. 25 Minuten backen.
Die Champignons putzen und klein schneiden und auf das gebackene Fleisch legen.
Alle anderen Zutaten cremig rühren und würzen. Über die Champignons gießen.
Weitere 20 Minuten im Ofen backen.
Passt super zu Reis, Nudeln oder einfach nur Baguette.
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Simi´s Foodblog
Kochen und Backen aus Leidenschaft
Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017
Philadelphia - Hähnchen
3 Hähnchenbrustfilets a 150 g, Schinkenstreifen , 1 Tl Senf
100 ml Sahne, 200 Milch ml, 1 Tl Mehl, 150 g Philadelphia Frischkäse, Paprikapulver, Pfeffer und etwas Salz
Die Filet´s mit Schinken umwickeln und mit Senf einstreichen. In eine gefettete, ofenfeste Form legen.
Bei 180 Grad ca. 25 Minuten backen.
Die Champignons putzen und klein schneiden und auf das gebackene Fleisch legen.
Alle anderen Zutaten cremig rühren und würzen. Über die Champignons gießen.
Weitere 20 Minuten im Ofen backen.
Passt super zu Reis oder Nudeln.
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Beste Rezeptesammlung
Philadelphia - Hähnchen
- 500 g Hähnchenbrustfilet(s) oder Putenbrustfilet
- 150 g Frischkäse mit Kräutern, z.B. Philadelphia
- 200 ml Sahne
- 100 ml Milch
- 1 TL Brühe, gekörnte
- Schinkenspeck, geräucherter in Scheiben
- Senf, mittelscharf
- Kräuter (Gartenkräuter)
- evtl. Salz und Pfeffer
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Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011
Philadelphia- bzw. Frischkäse-Torte
1 Becher Sahnequark
1 Päckchen Götterspeise (kein Instant!)
7,5 ml flüssiger Süßstoff
2 Tropfen Vanille-Aroma
Frischkäse mit Quark und Süßstoff glattrühren, die abgekühlte Götterspeiseflüssigkeit hinzugeben. Die Sahne aromatisieren und steif schlagen, danach vorsichtig unter die Frischkäsemasse heben. Auf den abgekühlten Bisquitboden verteilen und für mehrere Stunden oder am besten über Nacht in den Kühlschrank stellen.
Danach nach Belieben garnieren und genießen!
Die Torte könnt ihr mit den verschiedensten Beeren und Götterspeise-Geschmacksrichtungen machen.
Simi´s Foodblog
Kochen und Backen aus Leidenschaft
Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017
Philadelphia - Hähnchen
3 Hähnchenbrustfilets a 150 g, Schinkenstreifen , 1 Tl Senf
100 ml Sahne, 200 Milch ml, 1 Tl Mehl, 150 g Philadelphia Frischkäse, Paprikapulver, Pfeffer und etwas Salz
Die Filet´s mit Schinken umwickeln und mit Senf einstreichen. In eine gefettete, ofenfeste Form legen.
Bei 180 Grad ca. 25 Minuten backen.
Die Champignons putzen und klein schneiden und auf das gebackene Fleisch legen.
Alle anderen Zutaten cremig rühren und würzen. Über die Champignons gießen.
Weitere 20 Minuten im Ofen backen.
Passt super zu Reis oder Nudeln.
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- Pottstown
The Schnitzel House
- German
- Pottstown
- $30 and under
Lunch: Tuesday - Saturday: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Dinner: Tuesday - Saturday: 4:00pm - 9:00pm
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About The Schnitzel House
Authentic, fresh, organic German Cuisine. Please ask for vegan and gluten free.
Pottstown, PA 19465
German, American, European
Hours of Operation:
Breakfast: Tuesday - Sunday: 7:00am - 2:00pm
Lunch: Tuesday - Saturday: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Dinner: Tuesday - Saturday: 4:00pm - 9:00pm
AMEX, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
German music, girls in dirndls.
Let the chef suggest catering.
Parking for 40 cars.
BYO Liquor, Cafe, Counter Seating, Farm to Table, Gluten-free Menu, Non-Smoking, Takeout, Wheelchair Access
Breakfast is served 7 AM to 2 PM. Coffee included with $5 and above breakfast Fresh, organic, cooked to order
Breakfast is served 7 AM to 2 PM. Coffee included with $5 and above breakfast Fresh, organic, cooked to order
cheese and ham buttered toasted sandwich
and our own unique hash browns
Ham, egg, feta cheese, fresh tomatoes, onions, cucumber on a bun
fresh tomatoes and onions, cheese
Buttered toast, ham, pineapple topped with cheese
and ham in bell peppers over buttered toast
filled with ham topped with fresh tomatoes and onions
Alexa's Special
bacon sausage, eggs, potatoes, onions and a dash of garlic
feta cheese, eggs, ham
Bauern Breakfast Farmers' Breakfast
hungry man's plate
German potatoes with onions, buttered toast and marmalade
German Breakfast Pancakes
sautéed tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms and sour cream
cheese, sour cream, topped with egg
Ham or bacon sausage, cheese, sautéed onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, sour cream, egg, seasoned German potatoes and onions
Extra Goodies
Kinder Breakfast
Milk, Chocolate milk or juice included
Breakfast Desserts
with ice cream or marmalade and chocolate
filled with apples and cinnamon
with syrup or chocolate
Senior Citizens Special
Special Orders at The Schnitzel House
with Sour cream or Apple sauce
our own fries in curry or hunters' sauce
baked potato with cucumber sauce
cucumbers and onions in sour cream dressing
two boiled eggs in mustard sauce over potatoes
Small $4, Large $5
in pork shank broth
Dressings: Oil and vinegar, Italian, Caesar, Blue Cheese, Ranch, Thousand Island
lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers
pork schnitzel on a bed of lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers
lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, feta cheese, olives
Create your own Burger
Please allow time for cooking Includes fries (fresh, never frozen) and pickle. Add-ons: lettuce, onion, tomato, mustard, mayo, ketchup, pickles, hot sauce, Add egg to your burger $1, garlic or cheese fries $2
triple decker with egg, cheese, the works
Schnitzel in a bun with lettuce, tomato and onions
$5 comes with milk, juice or soda, Choose from Hamburger, Spaetzle with house sauce, Kaesespaetzle (cheese spaetzle), Cheese quesadilla, Well behaved kids get free dessert
All entrees include small salad
Side dishes: German potato salad (served cold), Butter Kartoffeln (boiled potatoes in butter), Spätzle (German pasta), Sauerkraut
breaded pork in gravy sauce
breaded pork in lemon sauce
pork with onions and mushrooms in whipped cream sauce
potatoes, onions, broccoli, carrots with salad
sauerkraut, potatoes and ham in wine and gravy sauce
Wursts (Sausages)
brat filled with onions in mustard and beer sauce with sauerkraut and butter potatoes
brat topped with cheese, tomatoes and bell pepper with sauerkraut
two brats with sauerkraut and butter potatoes topped with house sauce
sausage in a curry tomato sauce with butter potatoes
served with homemade sauerkraut and Dusseldorf mustard and fries
with choice of Ice Cream, Nutella, Marmalade or Apple Sauce
homemade special of the day
Special Orders
with Sour cream or Apple sauce
our own fries in curry or Hunter's sauce
baked potato with cucumber sauce
cucumbers and onions in sour cream dressing
boiled eggs in mustard sauce over potatoes
Small $4.50, Large $5.50
Dressings: Oil and vinegar, Italian, Caesar, Blue Cheese, Ranch, Thousand Island
ham, cheese, onions, vinegar, oil
lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers
pork schnitzel on a bed of lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers
lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, feta cheese, olives
German Pizza
please call ahead
onions, egg, sour cream and ham
veggies, egg and sour cream
leak, ham, egg and sour cream
ham, sausage, feta cheese, onions, mushrooms, bell peppers, olives
3-8 years of age, comes with milk, juice or soda $5, Chose from Hamburger and fries, spaetzle with house sauce, Kaesespaetzle (cheese spaetzle) Kids under 3 eat free, Well behaved children get free dessert (ice cream or cake)
Senior citizens get $ 1 OFF any entree. All entrees include small salad, sauerkraut and choice of side dish, unless otherwise specified Extra side dish $3
pork or chicken
whipped cream sauce
gravy sauce with mushrooms
fresh tomato sauce with onions and bell peppers, ask for spicy
baked with tomato and cheese
cheese whipped cream sauce
pork schnitzel in a bun with fries
stuffed pork with cheese and ham
pork steak with horse radish and mustard
pork filled with ham, pickles and mustard
steak tendered in beer or wine
pork steak in onion sauce
boiled beef marinated in vinegar and spices
beef with green beans
beef in horseradish sauce
beef with veggies in wine sauce
Wurst (Sausage)
baked brat filled with onions in mustard and beer sauce, served with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes
baked brat topped with fresh tomatoes, bell peppers and cheese, served with sauerkraut
with sauerkraut and buttered potatoes
sausage in a curry tomato sauce with bratkartoffeln
Pfirsich, Knoblauch, Zitronen oder Orange Soe, grilled chicken breast in whipped cream, peach, garlic, lemon or orange sauce
chicken sauté with veggies
Sample platter
Pork schnitzel, bratwursts, spaetzle, rotkohl, potatoes salad with jaeger and zitronen sauces, includes potato soup or salad
Side dishes
fried potatoes and onions
boiled potatoes in butter
Nutella, Marmalade or Apple Sauce
homemade special of the day
Coke, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Lemonade, Ice Tea
Special Orders
The Schnitzel House Ratings and Reviews
Overall Rating
Great German food in a cozy setting. Well worth the drive we made to eat there.
Quite a gem. Nothing to look at inside and out, the food was awesome and freshly prepared. Had the schnitzel with hunters sauce was awesome. The potato cakes were also awesome never had them with caraway seeds. The owners were very welcoming, Open Table had the address correct but the map depiction was incorrect. Called and Ed gave great directions. We warned to make reservations friday to sunday
Delicious authentic German meal in the last place you would ever expect to find it. The food was sensational.
The Schnitzel House is a great place for good, basic German cuisine. Our group shared kartoffelpuffers as appetizers, we all had the red cabbage salad and most of our group had schnitzel of one kind or another. As a finish, we shared a freshly-baked German chocolate cake. Our server was very attentive and she and the hostess explained each dish we asked about. As I said earlier, this is good, basic German food. That's what you go to the Schnitzel House for. Alles war ausgezeichnet! (Note: the Schnitzel House is currently BYOB.)
First time eating there, and really enjoyed it. Will go there again.
Great food. Great service. Don't let the outside appearance deter you from eating here. Highly recommend it!
When we drove up, I wasn't sure about the restaurant. It looks like an old Pizza Hut. However, don't let the outside fool you. The food is authentic German cuisine and well worth the money. We talked with one of the owners/chef and she was delightful and could not do enough to make our meal delightful I had the pork schnitzel with lemon sauce and it was a good size portion. The potato soup was pureed and delicious, but very filling. Our friend had the crepe for dessert and oh, did I wish I had room to eat one. You can tell, even if you think German food is peasant eating, it was made with fresh ingredients and very authentic.
Not fancy, just good food reasonably priced. Plastic table cloths, so don't dress up.
p.s. get the baked potato with cucumber sauce as an appetizer.
Very disappointed in food. It was rather bland..
Outside isnt appealing. Inside isn't quaint. I'm use to finding gems on OpenTable but this wasn't one :(. There weren't many people there either.
It was okay. The waitress had a nasty customer that night who embarrassed her.
Enjoyed the family oriented and delicious German style meals, met our expectations wonderfully.
First I must say the food here was wonderful. However when we first walked in, the resturant's over all décor was lack luster. So much so, that had I not made reservations I might have walked out. I'm glad I didn't, I enjoyed my meal. I understand it used to be a pizza and they did a great job changing that look, but I think getting a professional decorator in that place would seriously go a long way. And maybe tying in a German theme. Maybe murals of the Rhineland, something anything that says Germany would be really fun. I think this resturant has a lot of potential and certainly great food and wonderful service. I just hope that eventually they can give the place the ambience it deserves.
Recommend advance order for their weiner schnitzel. It was delicious !
Disappointed. No beer. Food was just ok. Looks like the family lives at the restaurant, and it's hard to imagine a German restaurant in an old Pizza Hut, especially when you have lived in Germany.
I was all set to celebrate Oktoberfest at the Schnitzel House. First, I did not know it was BYOB. Therefore, no German beer for my meal!. I ordered my favorite Sauerbraten. Some of the meat I could not cut, other pieces were grizzly. The red cabbage was tasteless. My daughter got the chicken and vegs. Her meat was chewy. I had read the reviews. Some were good, some were bad. Also we had trouble finding the place since the large lighted sign did not say Schnitzel House. The sign was on the building.
have been here before and the food is always delicious. We took friends this time and had a request for a special dessert if possible and the owner called us before hand to assure us that this was indeed possible. Our dinners were excellent and the dessert a nice surprise for our friends. Good job. Schnitzel House!
Went for Dinner during the week. We were enthusiastically greeted and promptly seated for our 6:30pm reservation made on Open Table. Menu is extensive and nicely priced. Lots of great German choices. Food was outstanding for all 4 our our group. The Schnitzels were great! The entire meal was outstanding. The service was also excellent. Very pleasant and responsive staff. Well Done!! We will definitely return.
We have passed this restaurant many times and when we saw it was on Open Table we decided to give it a try.
so glad we did. We dined on Friday evening and the restaurant was very busy and noisey. They had a large group and the servers were busy trying to get the group all served together yet we were seated promptly. Our server took time to answer our questions and even explain some of the dishes. We enjoy German cuisine and we were not disappointed. The food was delicious, not something can get in every other restaurant. We will definitely return and hopefully they won't be as rushed and we will be able to try the crepes for dessert or even call ahead for Keiserschmaren (excuse the spelling)
In Pottstown ethnic restaurants are not plentiful so I was so excited to try this one. Unfortunately it was a HUGE letdown. We knew that we wanted to try the lamb and the Hasenpfeffer so we called ahead and ordered these dishes. When they came to the table they were very poorly executed. The greed beans were mushy and over cooked. We asked if they were canned and the server said no but if one could mistake fresh for canned there is something wrong in the cooking method. The potato's were bland and the meat was tender but had almost no seasoning. I have been to Germany many times and eaten these dishes frequently in other restaurants. When I brought up the quality to the owner in a private e-mail she responded that it must have been the rosemary that I did not like as it is a spice that many people find too strong. I was insulted by her lack of concern and will not return.
The restaurant was a little difficult to find since they recently moved and the previous restaurants sign is still by the road, there is a sign on the front of the restaurant, but it is easy to miss. Hopefully they can fix this soon. Aside from that, the experience was outstanding. The food was great. I let the Chef determine my meal and got an interesting meal that I really enjoyed. If you are adventurous, I would recommend that. The potato pancake appatizer was very good and it had an interesting flavor to it, highly recommended. Though, if you want them before the meal, you should let them know so they dont bring it out with the meals. You might even hold off onm the meal selction until you get them. The meals are very reasonably priced and being a BYOB makes this a very good find. Will definately go back.
I would recommend this to a friend - the feedback form would not let me select it.
I enjoyed the food and the owners are very accommodating and friendly. They recently relocated to a new location, which still has the previous food establishment sign outside. Hopefully, they continue to gain more business.
Enjoyed our dinner as was nice & quiet except for soft German/polka music in background. Potatoes & onions were very tasty and pork schnitzel was very good. Cute place with steins all around & gals dressed in alpine garb. Service was excellent & very attentive. Didn't care much for vinyl tablecloths tho. Will go back!
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Philadelphia - Nachtisch
Getestetes Rezept. Schmeckt nach mehr , super lecker
Zutaten für 6 Portionen
Käse, Quark, Eigelb, Zucker, Vanillezucker verrühren .
Sahne evtl. mit Sahnesteif schlagen und unterheben .
drauf geben und dann die restliche Sahnecreme darГјber .
Geräte und Anmerkungen des Autors
Du benötigst: 1 SchГјssel zum Arbeiten 1 flache SchГјssel zum Anrichten z. Bsp. Tupper 30 cm Durchmesser
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Beste Rezept
Philadelphia Hähnchen
-500 g Hähnchenbrustfilets oder Putenbrustfilet
-150 g Frischkäse mit Kräutern, z.B. Philadelphia
-1 TL Brühe, gekörnte
-Schinkenspeck, geräucherter in Scheiben
-evtl. Salz und Pfeffer
Das Fleisch gründlich unter fließendem Wasser waschen und anschließend trocken tupfen, jede Filethälfte einmal teilen und großzügig mit Senf bestreichen.
Die Fleischstücke in Schinkenspeck einwickeln und in eine feuerfeste Form legen. Diese kommt jetzt in den auf 160°C Umluft vorgeheizten Ofen für ca. 25 Minuten (bei Ober/Unterhitze auf 180°C vorheizen).
Inzwischen aus Sahne, Milch, gekörnter Brühe, dem Frischkäse und falls vorhanden, frischen Gartenkräutern (z. B. Petersilie), eine Soße anrühren. Diese wird dann über die Filets gegeben und das Ganze weitere 15 Minuten im Rohr gegart.
Gesalzen und gepfeffert muss nicht unbedingt werden, Brühe, Käse, Senf und Schinkenspeck liefern genug Würze.
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Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas Beer Hall & Beer Garden
- German
- Paradise
- $30 and under
Monday-Friday 11:00am - 4:00pm
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About Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas Beer Hall & Beer Garden
The Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas is the only authentic German-Bavarian restaurant & daily Oktoberfest experience in Las Vegas.
Las Vegas, NV 89169
German, Beer Garden, Global, International
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 11:00am - 4:00pm
Harmon and Paradise across from the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino
AMEX, Diners Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas Beer Hall & Beer Garden offers exceptional, traditional Bavarian music nightly. Each month a new band from the Bavarian/Austrian European region performs. Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas Beer Hall & Beer Garden diners can party, sing and participate with traditional beer hall music.
Hofbräuhaus Las Vegas features ample, on-site parking, as well as complimentary valet.
Banquet, Bar Dining, Bar/Lounge, Beer, Beer Garden, Cocktails, Dancing, Entertainment, Full Bar, Non-Smoking, Private Room, Wheelchair Access, Wine
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With fresh Vegetables and sliced Sausage.
Four crisp and golden brown Potato Pancakes served with Apple Sauce.
Bavarian Cucumber Salad with Sour Creme and Dill Dip.
With Freshly Baked Pretzel.
Giant pretzel served with "Obazter" cheese, sweet mustard, and onion mustard.
Bavarian White and Red Radishes with buttered Rye Bread and Chives. Great Starter and Fun to eat! But first Radishes need plenty of salt.
Light Crisp and Healthy
Sliced Ham, Swiss Cheese, Bavarian Sausage with fresh salads of the season, Tomatoes, Cucumber and Peppers.
Crisp Lettuce, Shredded Cheese, tossed in a Caesar dressing, topped with Croutons. Add a grilled Chicken Breast, grilled Salmon or grilled Tilapia Filets
Fresh Salads of the Season, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Peppers. Add a grilled Chicken Breast, grilled Salmon or grilled Tilapia Filets.
Breaded Chicken Breast, fried golden brown and sliced over Spinach-Potato Salad with warm Bacon Vinaigrette.
Bavarian Snacks
Great with HB Beer and highly recommended! Munich's famous sausage salad marinated in Vinegar and Oil with onions,sliced Swiss Cheese, Rye Bread and Butter.
A Bavarian Cheese Specialty you will love! Brie prepared with Cream Cheese, Butter, Onions, delicately seasoned and served with a freshly baked Pretzel.
Cold Cut Platter with Pork Roast, Black Forest Smoked Ham, sliced Sausage, Cheese, pickled Gherkin, Onion Mustard, Rye Bread and Butter.
Burgers and Sandwiches
Served with French Fries.
Very tasty and fun to eat! Giant Pork Sausage with Sauerkraut on French Bread, served with Onion Mustard.
Two grilled Krainer Sausages topped with a tasty Curry Sauce.
Giant Bavarian Style Hamburger (Pork and Beef) on a Kaiser Roll with traditional Garnish. Add Swiss Cheese, American Cheese or Bacon.
Breaded Chicken Breast Fried Golden Brown served on a Kaiser Roll.
Roast Pork Sandwich with Horseradish-Mustard Sauce, Lettuce, Tomato and Crispy Onions on a Kaiser Roll, served with French fries.
Classic Bavarian Sausage Specialties
From the Bavarian Sausage Heaven! Two of Munich's famous white sausages (Veal and Pork) traditionally poached or grilled with freshly baked original Pretzel and Sweet Mustard imported from Munich.
Sausage at its Best! Three roasted Pork Sausages with Sauerkraut and Mashed Potatoes.
Three Vienna Style Frankfurters with homemade Bavarian Potato Salad and spicy Onion Mustard.
Two Hofbräuhaus Las Vegas roasted Chicken Sausages served with Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes and Onion Mustard.
Two delicately seasoned Veal Sausages grilled to perfection. Served with our famous Hofbräuhaus Las Vegas Red Cabbage and Mashed Potatoes.
For Sausage Lovers! Hofbräuhaus Sausage Plate with Vienna Style Frankfuters, Pork and Chicken Sausages, imported Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes and spicy Onion Mustard.
Side Dishes
Add an extra Bavarian touch to your meal.
Great Bavarian Specials
Great Bavarian Specials Prepared by excellent German Chefs.
This is one a Bavarian cannot live without! Famous " Munich Pork Roast" with Vegetable Garnish, Dark Beer Sauce, and Bread Dumpling.
Classic Breaded Pork Cutlet served crisp and Golden Brown, so large that you might not find your plate. With Cranberries and homemade Bavarian Potato Salad.
Lightly breaded Vegetarian Patties, served with Potato-Cucumber Salad, Cherry Tomatoes and Cranberries (100% Vegan Option with French Fries and Cucumber Salad).
Enjoyed by Beer Truckers after a hard Day! Delicately seasoned "10 oz. Strip Loin" grilled to Perfection, served with French Fries and Side Salad.
Sausage Loaf topped with a sunny side up Egg, served with Potato Salad and Sweet Mustard.
Breaded Chicken Breast, fried golden brown, served with French Fries.
Pork Cutlet "Hunter Style" topped with creamy Mushroom Sauce, Bacon and Onions, served with Spätzle (special German Noodles) and Cranberries.
This is the way Bavarians love fish! Tilapia Filets, breaded and pan fried golden brown, served with tartar sauce, lemon and homemade potato salad.
Cold Beverages
13 Minute Lunch Menu - July 18 – July 29
Receive Lunch in 13 Minutes or it's Free
Fried chicken schnitzel served with French fries and our homemade wheat beer cheese sauce
Mini BLT sandwiches on toasted brioche served with homemade potato salad
Black forest ham and Swiss cheese on toasted ciabatta with choice of potato soup or soup of the day
Seared cod, brown rice and sautéed vegetables
Sautéed mushrooms, red onions tossed together in vinaigrette
Spaghetti tossed in marinara sauce, topped with homemade meat balls and freshly grated parmesan cheese, served with garlic bread on the side
13 Minute Lunch Menu - August 1 – August 12
Receive Lunch in 13 Minutes or it's Free
French roll topped with homemade meatballs, marinara sauce and baked with cheese, served with French fries
Mixed greens tossed in sesame-sweet chili vinaigrette topped with grilled peanut-chicken sate
Two roast pork sliders on toasted brioche buns with choice of potato soup or soup of the day
Bratwurst patty breaded and fried golden brown topped with dark beer onion sauce and served with mashed potatoes and root vegetables
Seared fish, brown rice and sautéed spinach
Austrian specialty! Yeast dumpling filled with plum jam, topped with poppy seeds and sugar, served with vanilla sauce
*Hofbräuhaus Signature Item
With fresh Vegetables and sliced Sausages.
Three crisp and golden brown Potato Pancakes served with smoked Salmon and traditional garnish.
Bavarian Cucumber Salad with Sour Creme and Dill Dip.
Assorted Cheeses with Crackers, Buttered Rye Bread and Chives.
Giant pretzel served with "Obazter" Cheese, Sweet Mustard, and Onion Mustard.
Bavarian White and red Radishes with buttered Rye Bread and Chives. Great Starter and fun to eat! But first Radishes need plenty of salt!
Bavarian Snacks
Great with Hofbräu Beer and highly recommended! Munich's famous sausage salad marinated in Vinegar and Oil with Onions,sliced Swiss Cheese with Rye Bread and Butter.
A Bavarian Cheese Specialty you will love! Brie prepared with Cream Cheese, Butter, Onions, delicately seasoned and served with a freshly baked Pretzel.
Cold Cut Platter with Pork Roast, Black Forest Smoked ham, sliced Sausage, Cheese, Pickled Gherkin, Onion Mustard, Rye Bread and Butter.
Light Crispy and Healthy
Sliced Ham, Swiss Cheese, Bavarian Sausage with fresh Salads of the Season, Tomatoes, Cucumber and Peppers.
Crisp Lettuce, Shredded Cheese, tossed in a Caesar Dressing, topped with Croutons. Add a grilled Chicken Breast or grilled Tilapia Filets.
Fresh Salads of the Season, with Tomatoes, Cucumber and Peppers. Add a grilled Chicken Breast or grilled Tilapia Filets.
Breaded Chicken Breast, fried golden brown, sliced over Spinach-Potato Salad with warm Bacon Vinaigrette.
Burgers and Sandwiches
Served with French Fries.
Very tasty and fun to eat! Giant Pork Sausage with Sauerkraut on French Bread, served with Onion Mustard.
Giant Bavarian Style Hamburger (Pork and Beef) on a Kaiser Roll with traditional Garnish (add Swiss Cheese, American Cheese or Bacon).
Breaded Chicken Breast Fried Golden Brown served on a Kaiser Roll.
Two grilled Krainer Sausages topped with a tasty Curry Sauce.
Classic Bavarian Sausage Specialties
For Sausage Lovers! Hofbräuhaus Sausage Plate with Vienna Style Frankfuters, Pork and Chicken Sausages, imported Sauerkraut and Mashed Potatoes.
From the Bavarian Sausage Heaven! Two of Munich's famous white sausages (Veal and Pork) traditionally Poached or Grilled with freshly baked original Pretzel and Sweet Mustard imported from Munich.
Sausage at its Best! Three roasted Pork Sausages with Sauerkraut and Mashed Potatoes.
Three Vienna Style Frankfurters with homemade Bavarian Potato Salad and Onion Mustard.
This is one of Bavaria's absolute favorites! Bavarian grilled Sausage Loaf served with Potato salad.
100% Veal Two delicately seasoned Veal Sausages grilled to perfection. Served with our famous Hofbräuhaus Las Vegas Red Cabbage and Mashed Potatoes.
Hofbräuhaus Las Vegas roasted Chicken Sausages served with Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes and Onion Mustard.
Hofbräuhaus Schmankerl
Great Bavarian Specials Prepared by excellent German Chefs.
Classic Breaded Pork Cutlet served crisp and Golden Brown, so large that you might not find your plate. With Cranberries and homemade Bavarian Potato Salad.
This is one Bavarian cannot live without! Famous "Munich Pork Roast" with Vegetable Garnish, Dark Beer Sauce, Potato and Breaded Dumpling.
Enjoyed by Beer Truckers after a hard day! Delicately seasoned 10 oz Strip Loin grilled to perfection, served with French fries and Side Salad.
A great Combination of Bavarian Favorites, for the Big Appetite! "Hofbräuhaus Platter" with Smoked Pork Loin, Pork Roast, Smoked Sausage, Dark Beer Sauce, Sauerkraut and Mashed Potatoes.
Oktoberfest Style Roasted Half Chicken stuffed with Parsley, Beer Butter and Onions served crispy brown with homemade Bavarian Potato Salad.
Pork Cutlet "Hunter Style" topped with creamy Mushroom Sauce, Bacon, Onions served with Spätzle (a special German Noodle) and Cranberries.
This is probably the most popular German Dish! Marinated "Pot Roast Bavarian Style" with Red Wine, Vegetable Strips, Potato Dumpling and Red Cabbage.
Bavarian Pork and Beef Specialty with Pork Roast "Hunter Style" and Spätzle, Marinated Pot Roast (Sauerbraten) with Vegetables and our famous Red Cabbage.
Grilled Chicken Breast with creamy Mushroom Sauce and homemade Spätzle.
For Vegetarians
With French fries and Curry Sauce.
A very special German Noodle with Swiss Cheese, crisp Onions and Hofbräuhaus Side Salad.
This is the way Bavarians love fish! Tilapia Filets breaded and pan fried golden brown served with Tartar Sauce, Lemon and homemade Bavarian Potato Salad.
with Yukon Gold Mashed Potatoes, Sautéed Spinach and Tomato-Caper Vinaigrette.
Side Dishes
American Rye Bread, German Rye Bread, Baguette, or Kaiser Roll served with Butter.
Imported from Germany.
Imported from Germany.
Imported from Germany.
Crisp seasonal Greens, Tomatoes, Cucumber and Peppers.
Steamed, buttered and seasoned Vegetable of the day.
Creamy, authentic German gravy.
French Fries, Bavarian Potato Salad, Mashed Potatoes, Sauerkraut, Spätzle, Bread Dumpling, Red Cabbage, Potato Dumpling, Apple Sauce.
Cold Beverages
*Hofbrauhaus Signature Item
The most famous Dessert you must try! Traditional homemade Bavarian Apple Strudel with Vanilla Sauce. Add a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream.
Bavarian Cheese Cake with Raspberry Sauce.
Vanilla Ice Cream with Hot Raspberries, Cold and Hot, you will love this exciting and refreshing Combination.
Famous Black Forest Chocolate Cake.
Christmas Eve Special Menus & Offers
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Christmas Day Special Menus & Offers
Monday, December 25, 2017
New Year's Eve Special Menus & Offers
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Instantly increase your points with dining rewards
- Sun 11:00AM-2:00PM 2:15PM-4:30PM 8:30PM-11:00PM
- Mon-Thu 11:00AM-11:45AM 12:00PM-1:00PM 1:15PM-3:45PM 4:00PM-4:30PM 8:30PM-11:00PM
- Fri 11:00AM-11:45AM 12:00PM-1:00PM 1:15PM-3:45PM 4:00PM-4:30PM 9:00PM-11:00PM
- Sat 11:00AM-2:00PM 2:15PM-4:30PM 9:30PM-11:00PM
Christmas Eve Special Menus & Offers
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Are you on the Naughty or Nice list? This is your last chance to clear your name with St. Nick so get to our Haus this Christmas Eve for our special menu and Bavarian Brews!
Christmas Day Special Menus & Offers
Monday, December 25, 2017
Nothing sings like a holiday feast quite like a festive Christmas Day dinner in the beer hall with our jolly eats, treats & brews! Bring the whole family!
New Year's Eve Special Menus & Offers
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Kick off 2018 with a PROST! as we cheers to the new year with our 1-liter steins full of over-flowing, authentic Bavarian brews and a special New Year’s Eve menu!
Instantly increase your points with dining rewards
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Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas Beer Hall & Beer Garden Ratings and Reviews
Overall Rating
Enjoyed, the evening, 2nd time there. A bit too noisy for us older folks. Portions were adequate and tasty.
Great service, nice staff, food was interesting and delicious. A pleasant surprise to find it on open table accidentally coming back from valley of fire.
Meals and drinks were great and reasonably priced for Las Vegas. Atmosphere and music was fantastic!
Our expectations may have been a bit high, as we've been to the Hofbrauhaus in Munich. The atmosphere was energetic, so if you're with a group looking for boisterous fun, this is probably a good place. The beer was good, and a liter stein is a festive way to enjoy it. For just me and my wife however, it was a bit loud. While my sausage, sauerkraut, and potatoes were fine, my wife's chicken breast was rubbery.
Food is very good. We shared the Sausage tower ap and I had the schnitzel. I recommend both. The beer is good. Short pours on most. The head didn't get close to the top of the glass.
We enjoy coming here for the great food and ambiance.
The staff is always engaging and friendly.
Went there twice while in Vegas and will always go back! Food, service and atmosphere is amazing!
Great food and fun atmosphere. Enjoyed the band.
Very disappointed with this visit. Service started out great, but slowed down as time went by. We had to wait 20 minutes for our check. My daughter and I had chicken schnitzel and it was very tough and fatty. My daughters was so fatty that she took one bite and was finished. I ate 3/4 of mine and gave a 1/4 to my husband who said it tasted funny. The next day I was sick for a whole day and the only thing I had eaten in more than 24 hours was the chicken, so it couldn’t have been anything else. My husband ordered a large octoberfest beer and received a dark beer. He tried to drink it, but it was too bitter. Not sure if we will be going back.
Excellent food, service and music. Trifecta!
We used to live in Munich and this recreation of the original restaurant is spot-on. The food was just as good and so was the beer!
Outstanding service and the food was amazing! The music was great and had a great time. Definitely recommend and will visit again!
Good place to go and try something new. Like traveling to Austria or Germany.
I heard about it from some work associates, looked it up online, and wanted to take my family there to try some authentic German cuisine. We had a good time, and enjoyed the atmosphere and the food. Our waitress was very happy, energetic, fun, and did a great job helping us. We will recommend this restaurant to everyone to try.
Food was authentic and staff was excellent. We had a great time. Only wish we lived here to visit more.
It is always nice for us to visit the Hofbrauhaus in LV for a decent German meal. The food is authentic and the atmosphere is almost like in Munich’ s original. Wurstsalat is 5/5, Riesenbrezel with sweet mustard 5/5. Get the liter of Hofbrau Bier to wash it all down! Prosit!!
This place is loud and crazy but has great beer and food. Don't plan on having a romantic night or a quiet conversation. Plan to watch people get paddled, beer stein holding contests, sing alongs and people dancing on tables. It's never boring and we come every time we're in town.
Great beer however the food is subpar. The food taste like theme park food. The meat was bland and tasteless and the red cabbage tasted like they had poured corn syrup in it.
Great place to get friends together and have fun along with good German food and drink! Best to just decide to take a couple of hours to have some beer, eat, have some bee and conversation, maybe some shots, more conversation and only leave if you have to.
Great food on an energetic environment. Fun setting that is lively with authentic German cuisine
A great experience.
Always fun. The house band is getting a bit stale. Maybe add a female voice to the group!
This is our fourth time here and the food and beer is excellent as always, the bands are awesome overall a great restaurant! Being from Austria I think they make a great Spaetzle and the Pretzel are really tasty also!
"Loud American DJ music"
The Hofbrauhaus is boisterous, rowdy, and fun. Don't go there if you want quiet conversation or a relaxed dining experience. Don't be a dud - order something authentically German instead of getting a "safe" steak or something familiar. You won't regret it.
Great place to have some very good German food. Super service and plentiful plates of food.
Noisy for some, but, fits the Beer Garden Atmosphere.
Holy crap, this place is the best!
Took a long time to get our food, granted we were a party of 12 but we watched entire families sit down, eat and leave before we got our food. Also every 5 minutes you heard the crack of a paddle on some dudes backside. very strange. Not worth the hassle.
The lunch crowd is very tame. The food was great as always, but without the band and more people, the atmosphere was dull. I will definitely only visit during the evening when the live music is available.
Always a Great Time.
Our waitress Gabby was amazing. We had a large party (13), and service was excellent.
Great food with great company. Food was awesome, as was the wine, and dessert sampler!
We have visited Hofbrauhaus at least 8 different times over the years and this time was was as good as ever
Be prepared for a very loud but very fun time here. We had so much fun and the food was good German comfort food with great German beer on tap. We will definitely go back.
Great time to celebrate October fest with friends.. look forward to going back next year for 6 years in a row.
What more can you say? The Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas absolutely nails feel of the German location of the same name. Vibrant, happy, a non -stop party. The beer is imported daily, making everything seem that much more authentic. Don't stop at the beer though. The food cannot be beat. I cannot recommend the Hofbrauhaus enough!
Gréât German atmosphere. Jackie our waitress was amazing!
Great experience!! Would definitely come back. My only complaint was we kept waiting for our dinner. Finally asked and server said that food tray had dropped but they were remaking and would be coming up shortly. Finally after another 20 minute wait which now totaled 45 it came. Delicious! Atmosphere was great but we had been really hungry. Bill came and I asked if it would be adjusted due to wait. She said no that it was out of their control. I said it wasn’t within our control either. Asked for manager and server came back and offered $5. It was fine but shouldn’t have been so difficult. Loved the restaurant and would go back but would arrive not as hungry.
Hmm not my cup of tea. Too loud. I did Love our server she was brutally honest when it came to asking her opinion of dishes. Loved that.
Almost like being back in the original one in Munich. Food was authentic, delicious, and enormous portions. Took home enough for another meal. And the beer is authentic too. Prima!
Always love coming here when in Vegas. It’s always a good time and enjoy introducing it to new people.
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biennial or annual root vegetable of the family Chenopodiaceae (goosefoot family). The beet (Beta vulgaris) has been cultivated since pre-Christian times. Among its numerous varieties are the red, or garden, beet, the sugar beet, Swiss chard, and several types of
. Click the link for more information. , spinach spinach,
annual plant (Spinacia oleracea) of the family Chenopodiaceae (goosefoot family), probably of Persian origin and known to have been introduced into Europe in the 15th cent.
. Click the link for more information. , and mangel-wurzel. Most species thrive in soils with a high mineral concentration and grow in such regions as the alkali plains of the SW United States and the pampas of Argentina. Aside from the vegetables of this family and quinoa quinoa
, tall annual herb (Chenopodium quinoa) of the family Chenopodiaceae (goosefoot family), whose seeds have provided a staple food for peoples of the higher Andes since pre-Columbian times.
. Click the link for more information. , most members are not commercially valuable.
Of the genus Chenopodium, the goosefoot itself, C. album, (also called lamb's-quarters or pigweed) is a native of W Asia that has become a widespread weed; quinoa, C. quinoa, a plant native to the Andes mountains, is cultivated for its edible seeds and leaves. Other plants in the family include the Russian thistle (Salsola tragus), a tumbleweed tumbleweed,
any of several plants, particularly abundant in prairie and steppe regions, that commonly break from their roots at maturity and, drying into a rounded tangle of light, stiff branches, roll before the wind, covering long distances and scattering seed as they go.
. Click the link for more information. of arid regions in the W United States and Eurasia, and greasewood (Sarcobatus species), grazing shrubs of the alkali plains also used locally as fuel.
Goosefoot is classified in the divison Magnoliophyta Magnoliophyta
, division of the plant kingdom consisting of those organisms commonly called the flowering plants, or angiosperms. The angiosperms have leaves, stems, and roots, and vascular, or conducting, tissue (xylem and phloem).
. Click the link for more information. , class Magnoliopsida, order Caryophyllales, family Chenopodiaceae.




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