Maggi Champignon-Rahm Hähnchen (Mushroom-Cream Chicken) 36g
Description in German
- Fix für Rahmhähnchen mit Champignons
- Ohne Zusatzstoff Geschmacksverstärker
Ingredients in German
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Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013
Maggi bratbeutel
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mix for 3 beef roulades
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For 500g pork or beef
mix for "zuericher art"
For 3 escalopes
Special offer due to best before date 12/2017 For 500g pork
For 250g salmon
Mix for hearty Swabian spaetzle with cheese and fried onions
Fix for Spaghetti Bolognese
For one 500g piece of meat (beef, pork or poultry)
Mix for a creamy and spicy potato gratin
Special offer due to best before date 11/2017 2-3 servings
For 200g of minced meat and 1 tin of kidney beans
Mix for lasagne
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Easy to prepare mix for 'Currywurst-sauce' For 2 sausages (250g)
For Swedish meatballs
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For Spaghetti Bolognese with a fruity tomato flavour
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Delicious meat filled pasta in a piquant sauce
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Delicious veggie ravioli in tomato sauce
Mix for steak sauce
Ideal for meat dishes such as escalope chasseur or meatloaf
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Ideal for meat dishes such as escalopes, ragout, poultry or pork loin
Ideal for meat dishes such as roast pork, escalopes, roulade, meatballs
Mix for light gravy
Goulash sauce powder
For roast pork, pork belly, fried sausages, .
For fried or grilled chicken, duck, goose or wild birds
For fried sausages, meat loaf, rump steak, roast lamb, liver and liver dumplings!
A spicy sauce for steak, escalopes, meatballs, chicken and game
A light gravy with mushrooms for pork and turkey escalopes or medallions. You can also use it for rice and potato dishes or as pasta sauce!
Mix for 2x 250ml dark gravy for beef dishes
For meat, fish and egg dishes, escalopes à la Milanese, rice, pasta, vegetable and potato dishes! Mix for 2x250ml sauce
Mix for 2x250ml minced meat dishes such as meatballs, meatloaf, liver dumplings .
Mix for dark gravy
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Mix for 2x250ml dark gravy with mushrooms
A light herb sauce for poultry, fish, egg and vegetable dishes mix for 2x250ml
Easy to make curry sauce for meat, poultry, fish, egg and rice dishes mix for 2x250ml
Mix for dark gravy.
Ideal for chips, pasta, rice dishes, potato dishes, vegetables, soups, sauces, salads, fish . or in a nutshell for all your spicy dishes!
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BeYOUtiful Things - Handmade by Ninchen
Freitag, 1. Mai 2015
Maggi fix & frisch Champignon-Rahm Hähnchen
Champignon-Rahm-Geschnetzeltes mit Nudeln
400 g Hähnchengeschnetzeltes
150 ml Sahneersatz
250 g Champignons
1/2 Bund Lauchzwiebeln
2. Champignons putzen und in Scheiben schneiden. Die Lauchzwiebeln waschen anbtropfen lassen und in in kleine Ringe schneiden.
3. Öl in einer Pfanne erhitzen und das Hähnchengeschnetzelte anbraten.
4. Lauchzwiebeln und Champignons dazugeben und anbraten.
5. Beutelinhalt mit Sahneersatz und 250 ml kaltem Wasser vermischen.
6. Anschließend die Soße in die Hähnchen-Champignon-Mischung hinzugeben und etwa 15 Minuten bei mittlerer Hitze und gelegentlichem Umrühren sämig einkochen lassen!
7. Nudeln abgießen und auf 2 Teller verteilen. Die Soße ebenfalls auf beide Teller verteilen und evtl. mit Petersilie dekorieren!
HES Hähnchen Würzsalz
70g glass jar<br/ >Made by Hallesche Essig- und Senffabrik GmbH
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Malaysian Mango Chicken
Malaysian Mango Chicken
Malaysian Mango Chicken recipe – It is an appetizing dish that will satisfy your tastebuds when you are in mood for something light and tangy.
8 oz skinless and boneless chicken thigh (breast or leg), cut into bite-size pieces
2 tablespoons oil
1/2 small onion, quartered
1/2 small red bell pepper, cut into chunks
1/2 small green bell pepper, slivered into 1-inch lengths
1/2 medium ripe green mango, peeled, pitted and slivered
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 dash of black pepper
1 teaspoon cornstarch
2-3 tablespoons tomato puree, or tomato ketchup
2 tablespoon chili sauce (Lingham or Maggi)
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon A1 Steak sauce
1 teaspoon honey
2-3 tablespoons mango juice, pineapple juice, or water
1/2-1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, balsamic or black vinegar
sugar and salt to taste
2. Mix the Sauce ingredients in a bowl. Adjust sugar and other Sauce ingredients to your liking. Set sauce mixture aside.
3. Heat up a little oil in a wok, stir-fry onions, red and green bell peppers until fragrant and slightly charred. Dish up and set aside.
4. Heat up 2 tablespoons of oil in a wok, toss in marinated chicken pieces, mango slivers and give it a quick swirl for 1 minute or until the chicken gets a bit sticky on the wok. Cover wok and simmer on medium-high heat for another 2 minutes to draw the mango juice out.
5. Remove wok cover, add in the sauce mixture, stir well and bring it to a quick boil. Cover wok, turn heat to medium-low and let it simmer until the chicken is thoroughly cooked.
6. Toss in items from step 3., stir well, salt and sugar to taste. Dish up and serve with steamed white rice.
Growing up in Malaysia, I was very much spoiled by all the exotic tropical fruit varieties. From the seasonal Durian ‘King of Fruits’ and Mangosteen, the mighty Queen, to mangoes that are amongst the royal fruits you will see everywhere throughout the year. Fruits are abundantly available, so much so that restaurants are always coming up with fresh new ideas to incorporate fruits into the local dishes, eg. Durian with sticky rice and fried fish with Dragon fruit sauce, just to name a few. Ripe mangoes are used to cook dishes like Mango Chicken, whereas fresh, unripened mangoes are used in most fruit salads, eg. Rojak. Ripe green mangoes impart a distinct sweet and tangy flavor to any chicken or shrimp dish, especially when rendered spicy.
Out of the three mango varieties that I am fond of, two were grown in our family garden. Apple Rumanis, sweet and tangy apple-shaped mangoes with a crunchy texture and Champagne / Honey Mangoes, aka Manila Mangoes, which are super sweet and juicy, and bigger than the kind found in the USA, roughly 5-6 inch long. Some of the best moments in my life were shared with my dad around the garden. I vividly remember how exciting it was during mango picking time when we couldn’t wait till we finished picking them and started peeling them off and enjoying them right under the trees. The third variety came from a tree that grew right outside our house and it bore green mangoes throughout the year for, much to the delight of any lucky passer-by. When those mangoes ripen, they emit a highly aromatic and unique scent and to this day, remain my personal favorite over the yellow kind. For those unripe mangoes, my folks would put them in a rice bucket, buried in the rice for a few days. Remember those days?
One of the most popular uses of mango in Malaysian cooking is in making Mango Chicken. And there are two delicious versions. The first one is more of a Thai influence using mango slivers with other shredded veges served with crispy chicken and a sweet spicy sauce. The other is a stir-fried version with chicken and mango slices. The latter style being the one more popular in the USA because it’s widely offered by most, if not all of the Malaysian restaurants here.
Unlike other sweet-sauced chicken dishes, eg. Sweet and Sour Chicken and Orange chicken, stir-fried Mango chicken does not use any frying batter. It is certainly an appetizing dish that will satisfy your tastebuds when you are in mood for something light and tangy. Just be sure to pick up a nice fresh, ripe or medium ripe mango, which I prefer. Let the mango work it’s magic. Simmer the mango until the juices surrender and you will definitely be on your way to a truly delicious Malaysian Mango dish!
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Chicken Satay
21 COMMENTS. read them below or add one
The color on that lovely mango chicken is just gorgeous and it looks so flavorfully tempting!! Love it
Looks like a lovely sweet-salty combination. Hmmm…wonder if durian chicken would work? hehe.
Susie Borromeo Milne via Facebook
I found your cookbook in a bookstore in Manila…I was thrilled to be able to buy it!
Holy yum! That looks delish and your reference to sticky rice, rojak etc got me drooling :D
This sounds delicious. My favorite fruit is mango and I’ve definitely never tried it this way. :)
I just love Mangoes ! I must try this Malaysian version of Mango Chicken. I love Malaysian food, and enjoyed it in a previous visit to Penang. Thanks for sharing this recipe!
I’ve never come across Malaysian Mango chicken before. Is it a common dish in Penang? I’m keen to try it though, the combination of sweet sour and spicy is tempting my taste buds!
Mango Chicken is more commonly served in KL than in Penang, it was pretty much made famous back in the 90s’.
that makes sense. I lived on Penang for three years in the 70s and never heard of mango chicken.
Mmmmm very nice indeed. Looks very similar to a recipe that i used to cook often Brazilian Chicken style. I will try to get a nice mangos in Brighton Asian market, and then I´ll which I prefer. thanks!
This is something that I could prepare for my kids to introduce them to malaysian cuisine.
Ohh this looks fantastic with a bowl of rice ;) I like mangos in savoury dishes hehe
This is such a gorgeous dish, Bee! The dish looks deliciously colorful and would brighten up a dull day. I’m sure it tastes DIVINE!
This is exactly what I want now…
Trust me this dish is making me drool like crazy…
A bowl of rice with this mango chicken and I”ll not ask for anything else…
hey, this looks DE-licious! How much does it serve?
Thanks! For me, its good enough for 2 persons. Then again, it really depends on your appetite:)
Am I missing something in this recipe? The marinade has no liquid ingredient listed. I’ve never made a marinade that didn’t have any liquid. Please let me know.
I made this for dinner tonight, and I inadvertantly added too much chili sauce and too much oyster sauce. Is there a way to fix the sauce? It is too spicy and has a slighy fishy taste from the oyster sauce. I was making extra since I feed 2 teenage boys, and miscounted/misjudged my measurements. Thanks!
I am totally confused by this :”ripe green mango”. Is that a special kind of mango ? It can’t be ripe + green as far as I know. It’s either ripe or green. If it’s just an unripened mango how hard should it be ? I have read that there are different kinds of mango from Mexico or from Asian countries. Does the place of origin make a difference or do they taste mostly the same ? I need some help ! Thanks.
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Zwiebel Sahne Hähnchen
5fach getestetes Rezept. Gezaubert in 2 Minuten und extrem Lecker
Zutaten für 3 Portionen
Vermische die Sahne und die Milch mit der TГјte Zwiebelsuppe.
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Maggi hähnchen
Maggi fix & frisch Ofen-Chili mit Hдhnchen
Kurzbeschreibung: Marke: Maggi / Untergruppe: Geflьgelgerichte
Neuester Testbericht: . ich das Gericht noch nicht kannte, habe ich es erst einmal so zubereitet, wie es Maggi vorgesehen hat. Leider machte ich beim . mehr
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Testberichte zu Maggi fix & frisch Ofen-Chili .
von - geschrieben am 30.01.10 , geändert am 27.02.16 (Sehr hilfreich, 364 Lesungen)
Jeden Tag immer die gleiche Frage: Was macht man nun zum Essen? Die Auswahl in den Supermдrkten ist groЯ und die Wahl wird langsam zur Qual. Dennoch hat man so seine Lieblingsgerichte, die man aber auch nicht jeden Tag essen mцchte. So lief ich durch die Regale und bei den Regal mit dem Maggitьten fielen mir wieder neue Tьten ins Auge und so entschied ich mich fьr eine, kochte und aЯ es und nun wird es Zeit euch davon zu berichten. Produkt Maggi fix & frisch Ofen-Chili mit Hдhnchen Preis und Erwerb Gekauft habe ich diese Tьte im Edeka fьr 0,65 Euro. In einigen Discounter fьhren bereits diese neue Tьte. Je nach Geschдft .
von - geschrieben am 06.05.09 (Sehr hilfreich, 239 Lesungen)
Vor einiger Zeit hatte ich mir mal Maggi Ofen Chili zubereitet und den Rest eingefroren. Heute gabs nochmal eine Portion aus der Truhe. Dazu mein Bericht: Hersteller: Maggi Singen / Bezugsort: ьberall, auЯer bei Aldi Preis: 0,44 - 0,75 Euro Menge: 37 g Pulver ( fьr 3 Portionen ) Verpackung: typisch Maggi wie oben abgebildet Zutaten: Modifizierte Stдrke, Jodsalz, Gewьrze (Pfeffer, Zwiebeln, Paprika, Knoblauch, Kьmmel, Ingewer, Chili), pflanzliches Цl, Tomatenpulver, Zucker, MilcheiweiЯerzeugnis, Maltodextrin, pflanzliches EiweiЯ, biologisch aufgeschlossen (WeizeneiweiЯ, Salz), Aroma, .
von - geschrieben am 03.03.08 (Sehr hilfreich, 111 Lesungen)
Hier geht es um das Produkt: Maggi fix & frisch Ofen-Chili mit Hдhnchen. Wie immer gibt es zu der Verpackung, die sie ja auch oben sehen, nicht allzu viel zu sagen, halt im typischen Maggi fix & frisch Design. Das Design ist prдgnant und modern gestaltet, wodurch man auch mal zum probieren gedrдngt wird. Auch fьr ungeьbte Kцche ist das Produkt wie alle Maggi fix & frisch Produkte ohne Probleme zuzubereiten! Die Verpackung hat einen Inhalt von 37 gr. und ergibt nach der Zubereitung ca. 3 Portionen. **** Inhaltsstoffe **** Modifizierte Stдrke, Jodsalz, Gewьrze (Pfeffer, Zwiebeln, Paprika, Knoblauch, Kьmmel, Ingewer, Chili), .
von - geschrieben am 31.10.07 (Sehr hilfreich, 963 Lesungen)
Heute mцchte ich euch gerne ьber ein neues Produkt aus der Reihe "Maggi fix & frisch" vorstellen. Es handelt sich dabei um die Sorte "Ofen-Chili mit Hдhnchen", welche ich vor kurzem bei meinem Einkauf entdeckt habe und mich sehr gefreut habe, dass es wieder mal was neues gibt.
Hersteller: Maggi Produkt: Maggi fix & frisch Ofen-Chili mit Hдhnchen Inhalt: 37g Trockenprodukt Preis: 0,69Ђ gekauft bei: Real weitere Sorten: Ofen-Schnitzel а la Cordon Bleu, Ofen-Spirelli alla mamma, Ofen-Geschnetzeltes, Ofen-Bдllchen mit Gouda.
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Alle diese und stammen aus Testberichten der dooyoo Mitglieder.
Frische Zutaten
nicht jeder mag es, wir jedoch schon. .
Schmeckt lecker
zu viel Knoblauch
schnell & unkomplziert zubereitet, guter Geschmack
mir persцnlich zu teuer
milder Linseneintopf, schnell zubereitet
teuer, Pullring
Schmeckt wie beim Tьrken
Verpackungsabfall ohne Ende
lange haltbar,schmecken ,leicht zu machen
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