среда, 3 января 2018 г.


Thai Chicken & Mango Curry in 30 minutes!

A delicious creamy and sweet curry, this chicken and mango curry uses mango puree in the sauce as well as rich coconut cream. Simple to make in under 30 minutes from beginning to end, the Thai flavours sing in this delectable dish.

One of the inevitable things about a new year appearing from around the curve is the oft-asked question, "So what is your new year's resolution?". I'm not a firm practitioner of the resolution but I will admit that there are certain things that I may want to do this year. But they aren't exactly your standard things like "lose weight, work out more (I would be setting myself up for a fail) and drink less."

Mine are more things like:

1) develop magic skills

2) visit Harry Potter world and Cuba

3) eat more food

4) see if it is too late to become a police detective

Perhaps I don't really understand this resolution stuff properly but this was all I could come up with while I was cooking and thinking (which is when I do my thinking apart from in the shower). I was so distracted that I didn't actually intend to blog this recipe which is why there is just a pic of snake beans that I thought were pretty enough to put on instagram (they weren't). I was merely playing around in the kitchen. I'm not even sure if this is an authentic Thai dish or not so the Thai is more in reference to the flavours rather than any claim to authenticity.

I picked up some great mangoes and snake beans at the market and decided to make a chicken curry with them. I think I was thinking along the lines of the Thai duck and lychee curries that I've eaten and how the fruit cools against the spicy coconut of the sauce and meat. I pureed some of the mango around the pip area as it was a bit too hard to cut it up into chunks and added it to the sauce. It ended up being so delicious that I decided that I just had to share it with you! This sweet and creamy curry is easily done in less than 30 minutes and makes enough to feed four hungry people.

So tell me Dear Reader, do you do new year's resolutions? And if so, what are yours this year? Did you end up fulfilling last year's?

Thai Chicken & Mango Curry in 30 minutes

An Original Recipe by Not Quite Nigella

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 15-20 minutes

  • Oil for frying
  • 2 onions, peeled and chopped* I put them in a small food chopper with the garlic and ginger
  • 4 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
  • 4 slices fresh ginger, peeled
  • 3 tablespoons red curry paste
  • 500g/1lb. chicken thigh fillets, cut into small pieces
  • 2 cups coconut milk or coconut cream
  • 2 cups chicken stock
  • 1 large mango
  • 1 bunch snake beans (or use green beans) chopped into 1 inch pieces
  • Fresh coriander/cilantro and Thai basil to garnish
  • Boiled rice to serve

Step 1 - First get the rice started because that will take about 15 minutes. Then place a few tablespoons of oil into a large wok or pot on medium to high heat. Add the onions, garlic and ginger and fry until golden. Add the curry paste and fry for a minute until very fragrant, then add the chicken pieces and coat in the paste. Add the coconut milk/cream and stock and place lid on and cook for 10 minutes until chicken has cooked through and the sauce has thickened. After 5 minutes, add the beans.

Step 2 - While the chicken is cooking, slice both cheeks off the mango and cut around the pip removing as much mango flesh as possible. Place the bits of mango flesh in the food chopper along with the the flesh from half of one cheek (remove the skin). Puree until smooth. Cut the rest of the 1.5 cheeks into small mango cubes.

Step 3 - Once chicken has cooked, add the pureed mango and taste for seasoning. As curry pastes vary I find that you may need to add fish sauce if it isn't salty enough, lime juice if it needs acidity or chilli if it needs spice. You shouldn't have to add sugar as the pureed mango gives the sauce additional sweetness. Once everything is cooked, add the mango pieces and top with the coriander/cilantro and Thai basil (go easy on the latter as it is strong). I pour a little of the coconut cream on top to make it a bit richer.

Curry Rezepte Sri Lanka: Curry-Huhn mit Mango Chutney

Curry-Huhn (Curry Chicken) ist eine weit verbreitete Delikatesse aus Süd-Asien, Ost-Asien und auch der Karibik. Die Hauptzutaten sind, wie der Name schon sagt, Curry und Huhn. Die dabei verwendeten Curry-Pulver-Mischungen aus Kurkuma, Kreuzkümmel, Ingwer etc. variieren mit der Region, und werden in die Sauce zusammen mit dem Huhn gemischt. Curry-Huhn ist eines der einfachsten, aber zugleich leckersten Curry-Gerichte, und ist nicht nur in Asien sehr beliebt. Es geht schnell, es macht sehr satt und es ist vor allem eins: lecker!

4 Hühner-Brüste (ca. 400g) in kleine Stücke geschnitten

1 kleine Zwiebel grob gehackt

1 rote Paprika in Streifen geschnitten

2 kleine rote Chilis (getrocknet und gemahlen)

100ml cremiger Joghurt ungesüßt oder Kokoscreme

2 TL Currypulver

½ TL schwarzen Pfeffer

Schichten Sie Huhn, Zwiebeln, Paprika und Erbsenschoten in einen Topf. Vermischen Sie die restlichen Zutaten außer Joghurt bzw. Kokoscreme; geben Sie die Mischung über das Hühnchen. Bedecken Sie den Topf und köcheln Sie das ganze auf kleiner Hitze ca. 30 Minuten, bis das Gemüse gar ist und das Hühnchenfleisch innen nicht mehr rosa ist.

Erst dann den Joghurt bzw. die Kokoscreme einrühren und langsam erhitzen, nicht aufkochen!

Servieren Sie mit Reis, und würzen Sie nach Belieben mit Salz, schwarzem Pfeffer, Kokosflocken und gehackten Ernüssen.

Weitere Curry-Rezepte aus Sri Lanka:

Thai Red Curry with Chicken & Mango

The secrets to a really great Thai curry using store bought curry paste are: sautéing the curry paste with onion, garlic and fresh chilli, and simmering the curry with kaffir lime leaves (key tip). Plus my secret tip for a thick, extra saucy, extra tasty sauce with 1/3 less calories – MANGOES. Seriously. (But I’ve also provided the recipe using just coconut milk!)

Ever since my visit to the Groves Grown Tropical Fruit farm which I babbled about in the Coconut Shrimp/Prawns with Spicy Thai Mango Sauce recipe I shared a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been going a little mango-mad.

Mango sorbet. Mango cheesecake. Mango marinade (seriously SO GOOD!). Mango salsas.

I don’t want to overwhelm you with mango recipes so I decided to pick one more to share this summer. And really, there was no contention.

This Mango Thai Red Curry. There are no words. Honestly, I think it’s the best “from scratch” invention to come out of this kitchen for a while. LOOK how thick and saucy it is! With 1/3 less calories.

Everyone loves a great curry, especially creamy coconut milk ones. But I rarely have Thai curries midweek because of the calories….WOWZER! Coconut milk is seriously loaded with calories. There are 920 calories / 3,850 kilojoules in one 400g/13oz can of coconut milk. Did you know that??

Sure, you could go low-fat coconut milk. But it’s nowhere near the same……Those who have tried it will know exactly what I’m talking about when I say that the curry sauce is watery instead of creamy.

So the awesome discovery I made?? Switch out half the coconut milk with mango puree. That’s right, mangoes! In puree form it’s thick and creamy, has the sweetness of coconut milk – the PERFECT coconut milk substitute. With less than 1/3 of the calories of coconut milk.

And in case you are concerned, NO it’s not too sweet! Coconut milk is sweet anyway, so it basically replaces that. Plus, here are the ratios I use: 1 can (400g/13oz) coconut milk, 1 cup mango puree and 3/4 cup chicken broth/stock (thins out the mango, adds extra flavour depth).

There is no way anyone would taste this curry and think “this is sweet”.

To be clear – I did not invent this recipe in a bid to lighten up curry! I made it simply because I thought it would be delish – and it blew me away. And my taste testers. Especially when I told them it was so much healthier than the usual red curry!

This is the very first recipe I’m sharing which uses a store bought curry paste. And it’s in response to a request from a friend who mentioned that curries she makes using store bought curry paste just never tastes as good as restaurant curries.

There’s no denying that a made-from-scratch curry paste makes a difference. But you know what? The bigger factor is using store bought curry paste properly – freshening up the flavours by sautéing it with onion, garlic, ginger and chillies.

And the ultimate tip I have? KAFFIR LIME LEAVES. That is the key. They smell limey but are earthier, and when you plonk them into the sauce to simmer away, that is when the magic happens and you’ll make a curry that rivals a restaurant one.

I need to stop here. Otherwise I’ll write a thesis.

I really hope you try this. I can’t stress enough how delicious it is! Thick, creamy, EXTRA saucy with less calories. *Eyes fluttering* Thai curry heaven. – Nagi x

  • 1 tbsp oil (vegetable, canola, grape seed)
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • ½ tsp ginger, minced (not critical)
  • ½ - 1 tsp red chilli, minced (Optional. I used 1 tsp.)
  • 1 small onion, sliced (brown, white, yellow) or 3 eschallots
  • 1.2lb / 600g chicken thigh fillets (or breast), cut into bite size pieces
  • 4 - 5 tbsp Thai Red Curry Paste (Note 1)
  • 1 can (400ml/13oz) coconut milk (full fat is better but low fat is ok too)
  • ¾ cup chicken broth
  • 1 cup mango puree, preferably fresh (1 large mango) (Note 2)
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 kaffir lime leaves
  • Jasmine rice
  • Coriander/cilantro leaves
  • Lime wedges
  • Fresh red chili, sliced
  1. Heat oil in a skillet over medium high heat.
  2. Add garlic, ginger, chilli (if using) and onion and saute until the onion is starting to soften.
  3. Add chicken and cook until white all over but still raw inside.
  4. Add curry paste and saute for 2 minutes until fragrant.
  5. Add coconut milk and chicken broth. Bring to simmer, stirring to dissolve the curry paste into the liquid. Then add the mango, fish sauce and kaffir lime leaves.
  6. Turn heat down to medium and simmer for 12 - 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce is thickened. Adjust saltiness using fish sauce.
  7. Serve over jasmine rice, garnished with coriander/cilantro, wedges of lime and slices of red chilli, if desired.

Nutrition per serving assuming 4 servings using MANGO puree. Note: This curry is saucier than most Thai curry recipes you’ll find!

Nutrition per serving assuming 4 servings using only Coconut Milk per Note 3.

Hi Nagi Could I replace the chicken with fish?

Have cooked this several times with the chicken & is so delicious !!

Definitely! Just pop it in right at the end, fish doesn’t take long to cook 🙂 N x

Could I use beef instead of chicken? Any adjustments?

Hi Sonja! What cut of beef do you have? 🙂

I want to make this but only have beef, would that work too?

Yes! If it’s a slow cooking cut, simmer slowly until tender 🙂 What cut do you have?

Karen Ellem says

Can this Thai curry be made with frozen mango chunks pureed?

Or would it be better with fresh mangoes?

Hi Karen! Frozen is just fine for this 🙂 Hope you love it! N x

How spicy is the red paste you use? Using mango, does it make this overly sweet?

Hi Jax! Because it’s curry paste from a jar, it isn’t that spicy. And the mango doesn’t make it overly sweet, in fact, the mango replaces coconut milk which is why this is so much healthier than the usual red curries. And coconut milk is sweet too so the mango just replaces that sweetness!

This one looks wonderful. Can it be made a day or two ahead and reheated? Is this likely to improve the flavour? I’m having a dinner party with a number of dishes and was hoping to make this a day ahead in order to make life easier!

Yes! It keeps so well!

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Hi, I’m Nagi!

I believe you can make great food with everyday ingredients even if you’re short on time and cost conscious. You just need to cook clever and get creative! ♥

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Hi, I’m Nagi!

I believe you can make great food with everyday ingredients even if you’re short on time and cost conscious. You just need to cook clever and get creative! ♥ Read More…

Hähnchen mango curry

Hähnchen-Mango-Curry für kalte Tage


Me parece una idea fantastica, Alice! Pollo y patata. que mas se puede pedir? SEHR LECKER! Grusse!

Das sieht sehr lecker aus.. eins meiner Lieblingsgerichte :)

Würde mich freuen, wenn du mal bei mir vorbei schaust.

Lg Jasmin (jkochundback.blogspot.de)

Klingt sehr nach meinem Geschmack! Und auch noch so schön bunt, nur die Mango lasse ich weg, die ist nicht meins. :-)

Rezept backofen

Mittwoch, 9. März 2016

Rezept hähnchen curry

Nun ist es nicht mehr notwendig, sich thailändisches Essen aus dem Restaurant nach Hause liefern zu lassen. Extrem schwer - Ramonas Rezept - Hähnchen-Curry - RTL 2 Das Rezept für Hähnchen-Curry an kurz gebratenen Zucchinischeiben von. Profikoch Sebastian Hahne zeigt, wie vielfältig man Toast zubereiten kann.

Rezept für Chicken Curry: Würzen Sie, dann weinen Sie. Hähnchencurry Rezepte 149 schöne Hähnchencurry Rezepte auf - Deutschlands größter. Hähnchen-Curry - Rezept EDEKA Hähnchen-Curry mit knackigem Gemüse in einer aromatisch abgestimmten. Alle 3 Bilder zu diesem Rezept anzeigen.

Alfons Schuhbeck zeigt, wie man kinderleicht ein indisches Hähnchen-Curry zubereitet. Hühnchen-Curry - Rezept Dieses Hühnchen-Curry Rezept wird Sie begeistern. Rezept für indisches Hühnchengericht Chicken Curry - SPIEGEL. Pikantes Hähnchen-Curry - Der Indien-Style überzeugt durch einen unwiderstehlichen Aromareichtum.

Hähnchen-Curry - BRIGITTE Zutaten für das Rezept Hähnchen-Curry: Hähnchenbrustfilet, Ingwer, Knoblauchzehe, Schalotte, Möhre, Brokkoli, Paprika, Shiitake-Pilze, Öl, Currypulver. Hähnchencurry mit Mango Rezept Küchengötter Dann immer her damit.

Servieren noch mit Kokosnussmilch und Koriander verfeinert. Zutaten (für 4 Personen 600 g Hähnchenbrust etwas Öl 4 Schalotten 1 Zehe Knoblauch etwas). Auf der nach einem exotischen Hähnchen Curry? Grünes Hähnchencurry mit Süßkartoffeln Rezept Lecker Unser beliebtes Rezept für Grünes Hähnchencurry mit Süßkartoffeln und mehr als 55.000 weitere kostenlose Rezepte auf.

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Nutzen Sie die Kommentarfunktion und laden Sie Ihr Bild hoch. Hier ist das Rezept für ein schnelles und. ALDI SÜD - Rezept: Asiatisches Hähnchencurry 250 g GARTENKRONE Blattspinat (TK 1 Zwiebel 1 Knoblauchzehe 1 rote Paprika 1 gelbe Paprika 2 EL BELLASAN Sonnenblumenöl 500 g MEINE ). Wer in dieser Hinsicht ein Seelenverwandter ist, dem lege ich dieses Rezept ans Herz.

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Staffel von Extrem schwer bei RTL 2, gibt s hier. AEG MaxiKlass ProCombi Steam Oven Test - May 24, 2011 Vicente Amaral tests the AEG MaxiKlasse ProCombi Steam Oven and. BRIGITTE 30 Minuten - mehr Zeit braucht ihr nicht für schnelle Rezepte wie Geschnetzeltes mit Schalotten oder Zucchini-Carbonara.

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  Miri's Kitchen

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013

Wrap mit Hähnchen und Curry-Mango-Sauce

Alles in allem fand ich, dass die Sauce sehr gut schmeckt und auch die Zutatenliste kann man ohne Chemiestudium lesen. Was mich allerdings ein wenig gestört hat war, dass Milcheiweiß in der Sauce enthalten war, sodass mein Mann nichts davon essen konnte. Leider ist das ein häufiges Problem. In vielen Produkten sind Milchbestandteile enthalten, sodass Menschen mit Laktoseintoleranz oder einer Milcheiweißallergie oder auch einfach Veganer diese Produkte nicht essen können. Das ist nicht nur schade, sondern eigentlich auch überflüssig, weil ich mir sicher bin, dass die Sauce auch ohne Milcheiweiß sehr gut schmecken würde. Aber Nicht-Veganern und Nicht-Allergikern kann ich die Sauce empfehlen.

Nun aber zum Rezept für einen leckeren, sommerlichen, erfrischenden Wrap.

Für eine Person:

1 TL Currypulver

1 Wrap (ich habe einen mit Leinsamen verwendet)

Ein paar Salatblätter

Etwas rote Paprika, in Würfel geschnitten

Etwas frische Mango, geschält und in Würfel geschnitten

1 Lauchzwiebel, in feine Ringe geschnitten

Etwas Curry-Mango-Sauce (oder 50ml Curry-Mango-Sauce vermischt mit 50ml Kokosnussmilch und kurz aufgekocht)


Eine schöne Aktion! Die Sauce klingt lecker! Auch wenn ich natürlich meistens frisch koche - ab und zu habe ich auch nichts gegen ein Fertigprodukt. Deine Wraps sehen sehr lecker aus! Sonnige Grüße, Ann-Katrin

Dankeschön, freut mich, wenn dir meine Idee gefällt.

Da komme ich doch mal auf deinen schönen Balkon und ich erkläre mich auch bereit die Soße zu testen.

Sieht echt lecker aus.

Hihi, die gibts dann am Samstag, gell?

Ja, das können wir gerne machen. wir freuen uns.

Malaysian Mango Chicken

Malaysian Mango Chicken

Malaysian Mango Chicken recipe – It is an appetizing dish that will satisfy your tastebuds when you are in mood for something light and tangy.


8 oz skinless and boneless chicken thigh (breast or leg), cut into bite-size pieces

2 tablespoons oil

1/2 small onion, quartered

1/2 small red bell pepper, cut into chunks

1/2 small green bell pepper, slivered into 1-inch lengths

1/2 medium ripe green mango, peeled, pitted and slivered

1/2 teaspoon sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 dash of black pepper

1 teaspoon cornstarch

2-3 tablespoons tomato puree, or tomato ketchup

2 tablespoon chili sauce (Lingham or Maggi)

1 tablespoon oyster sauce

1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1 tablespoon A1 Steak sauce

1 teaspoon honey

2-3 tablespoons mango juice, pineapple juice, or water

1/2-1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, balsamic or black vinegar

sugar and salt to taste

2. Mix the Sauce ingredients in a bowl. Adjust sugar and other Sauce ingredients to your liking. Set sauce mixture aside.

3. Heat up a little oil in a wok, stir-fry onions, red and green bell peppers until fragrant and slightly charred. Dish up and set aside.

4. Heat up 2 tablespoons of oil in a wok, toss in marinated chicken pieces, mango slivers and give it a quick swirl for 1 minute or until the chicken gets a bit sticky on the wok. Cover wok and simmer on medium-high heat for another 2 minutes to draw the mango juice out.

5. Remove wok cover, add in the sauce mixture, stir well and bring it to a quick boil. Cover wok, turn heat to medium-low and let it simmer until the chicken is thoroughly cooked.

6. Toss in items from step 3., stir well, salt and sugar to taste. Dish up and serve with steamed white rice.

Growing up in Malaysia, I was very much spoiled by all the exotic tropical fruit varieties. From the seasonal Durian ‘King of Fruits’ and Mangosteen, the mighty Queen, to mangoes that are amongst the royal fruits you will see everywhere throughout the year. Fruits are abundantly available, so much so that restaurants are always coming up with fresh new ideas to incorporate fruits into the local dishes, eg. Durian with sticky rice and fried fish with Dragon fruit sauce, just to name a few. Ripe mangoes are used to cook dishes like Mango Chicken, whereas fresh, unripened mangoes are used in most fruit salads, eg. Rojak. Ripe green mangoes impart a distinct sweet and tangy flavor to any chicken or shrimp dish, especially when rendered spicy.

Out of the three mango varieties that I am fond of, two were grown in our family garden. Apple Rumanis, sweet and tangy apple-shaped mangoes with a crunchy texture and Champagne / Honey Mangoes, aka Manila Mangoes, which are super sweet and juicy, and bigger than the kind found in the USA, roughly 5-6 inch long. Some of the best moments in my life were shared with my dad around the garden. I vividly remember how exciting it was during mango picking time when we couldn’t wait till we finished picking them and started peeling them off and enjoying them right under the trees. The third variety came from a tree that grew right outside our house and it bore green mangoes throughout the year for, much to the delight of any lucky passer-by. When those mangoes ripen, they emit a highly aromatic and unique scent and to this day, remain my personal favorite over the yellow kind. For those unripe mangoes, my folks would put them in a rice bucket, buried in the rice for a few days. Remember those days?

One of the most popular uses of mango in Malaysian cooking is in making Mango Chicken. And there are two delicious versions. The first one is more of a Thai influence using mango slivers with other shredded veges served with crispy chicken and a sweet spicy sauce. The other is a stir-fried version with chicken and mango slices. The latter style being the one more popular in the USA because it’s widely offered by most, if not all of the Malaysian restaurants here.

Unlike other sweet-sauced chicken dishes, eg. Sweet and Sour Chicken and Orange chicken, stir-fried Mango chicken does not use any frying batter. It is certainly an appetizing dish that will satisfy your tastebuds when you are in mood for something light and tangy. Just be sure to pick up a nice fresh, ripe or medium ripe mango, which I prefer. Let the mango work it’s magic. Simmer the mango until the juices surrender and you will definitely be on your way to a truly delicious Malaysian Mango dish!

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Chicken Satay

21 COMMENTS. read them below or add one

The color on that lovely mango chicken is just gorgeous and it looks so flavorfully tempting!! Love it

Looks like a lovely sweet-salty combination. Hmmm…wonder if durian chicken would work? hehe.

Susie Borromeo Milne via Facebook

I found your cookbook in a bookstore in Manila…I was thrilled to be able to buy it!

Holy yum! That looks delish and your reference to sticky rice, rojak etc got me drooling :D

This sounds delicious. My favorite fruit is mango and I’ve definitely never tried it this way. :)

I just love Mangoes ! I must try this Malaysian version of Mango Chicken. I love Malaysian food, and enjoyed it in a previous visit to Penang. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

I’ve never come across Malaysian Mango chicken before. Is it a common dish in Penang? I’m keen to try it though, the combination of sweet sour and spicy is tempting my taste buds!

Mango Chicken is more commonly served in KL than in Penang, it was pretty much made famous back in the 90s’.

that makes sense. I lived on Penang for three years in the 70s and never heard of mango chicken.

Mmmmm very nice indeed. Looks very similar to a recipe that i used to cook often Brazilian Chicken style. I will try to get a nice mangos in Brighton Asian market, and then I´ll which I prefer. thanks!

This is something that I could prepare for my kids to introduce them to malaysian cuisine.

Ohh this looks fantastic with a bowl of rice ;) I like mangos in savoury dishes hehe

This is such a gorgeous dish, Bee! The dish looks deliciously colorful and would brighten up a dull day. I’m sure it tastes DIVINE!

This is exactly what I want now…

Trust me this dish is making me drool like crazy…

A bowl of rice with this mango chicken and I”ll not ask for anything else…

hey, this looks DE-licious! How much does it serve?

Thanks! For me, its good enough for 2 persons. Then again, it really depends on your appetite:)

Am I missing something in this recipe? The marinade has no liquid ingredient listed. I’ve never made a marinade that didn’t have any liquid. Please let me know.

I made this for dinner tonight, and I inadvertantly added too much chili sauce and too much oyster sauce. Is there a way to fix the sauce? It is too spicy and has a slighy fishy taste from the oyster sauce. I was making extra since I feed 2 teenage boys, and miscounted/misjudged my measurements. Thanks!

I am totally confused by this :”ripe green mango”. Is that a special kind of mango ? It can’t be ripe + green as far as I know. It’s either ripe or green. If it’s just an unripened mango how hard should it be ? I have read that there are different kinds of mango from Mexico or from Asian countries. Does the place of origin make a difference or do they taste mostly the same ? I need some help ! Thanks.

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Curry Beilage: Rezept "Mango-Chutney"

Chutneys sind geleeartige, süße und oft scharfe Beilagen, die ursprünglich vom Indischen Subkontinent stammen. Vergleichbare andere Formen von „Chutneys“ sind die Salsas Süd-Amerikas oder Eingelegtes bzw. Eingemachtes in Europa. Typischerweise enthalten Chutneys frische, gewürfelte Früchte oder Gemüse, die mit verschiedenen Gewürzen vermischt werden und als Beilage zu verschiedenen Asiatischen Gerichten, z.B. Currys, gereicht werden.

240g getrocknete Mangos (über Nacht in Wasser eingelegt)

30g frische Ingwerwurzel, geschält und gerieben

1 zerdrückte Knoblauchzehe

1 TL Chilipulver

Geben Sie die aufgeweichten Mangos in einen Mixer mit etwas Wasser und mixen Sie bis die Masse sämig ist. Erhitzen Sie auf kleiner Flamme in einer Pfanne Essig, Zucker, Ingwer, Knoblauch, Chili-Pulver und Salz, bis der Zucker sich aufgelöst hat. Erhitzen Sie nun stark, bis sich eine Art dicklicher Sirup gebildet hat. Nehmen Sie nun die Pfanne von der Flamme und geben Sie die Mango-Masse hinein. Noch einmal 10 Minuten köcheln lassen, und dann in einem Glasbehälter abkühlen lassen.

Mango Chutney - mild - Patak's 340g - jetzt nur €3,99

Weitere Curry Beilagen-Rezepte:

Hähnchen mango curry

Dienstag, 20. Januar 2015

Sattmacher Hähnchen Curry

frischen Ingwer (ca. 1,5 x 1,5 cm)

1 kleine rote Paprika

50 ml Gemüsebrühe

wer mag Kirchererbsen & Banane oder Mango oder Ananas

Während alles anbrät schnell Möhre & Paprika klein schneiden und in den Topf geben.

Curry Mit Garnelen Und Mango

Thai Curry mit Garnelen – Paleo. Eines unserer absoluten Paleo Lieblingsgerichte. Super einfach zubereitet, man braucht nur etwas Geduld beim Schnippeln. Die Garnelen können auch durch Hühnchenfleisch ersetzt werden. Und natürlich kann man beim Gemüse variieren. Wir nehmen meistens, was der Kühlschrank noch so hergibt.

Du magst asiatisch? Wie wäre es mit Thai Curry mit Huhn oder Tom Kha Gai? Thai Curry mit Garnelen.

Rezept "Hähnchen- Curry mit Ananas und Mango" | NDR. Ratgeber. Hähnchen- Curry mit Ananas und Mango. Zutaten (für 4 Personen).

Kochliebe: Curry-Mango-Suppe mit Shrimps. Kartoffel und Mango in Würfel schneiden. Die Butter in einem Topf zerlassen und das Gemüse darin anschwitzen. Das Garnelen-Mango-Curry passt ideal zu vielen Rosés aus dem südlichen Rhône-Tal + der Provence. Die Thai-Basilikumblätter untermengen und mit Reis servieren. Das Schöne ist, dass das pikante Curry mit Mango durch Nudeln und Gurken-Ingwer-Topping eine ganz neue Dimension bekommt. Gerade nach Tagen mit üppigem Essen oder Tagen, an denen häufig Fleisch auf den Tisch kam, bekomme ich automatisch Lust auf asiatische Küche mit viel Gemüse und ….

Fleisch in Würfel schneiden, in Öl anbraten, salzen und aus der Pfanne nehmen. Schalotten klein schneiden und gemeinsam mit der gepressten Knoblauchzehe sowie der Currypaste und dem Currypulver in die Pfanne geben. Leicht anschwitzen.

Mit Weißwein ablöschen. Sobald dieser eingekocht ist, Brühe, Kokosmilch, Honig, Zitronengras und Ingwer dazugeben und aufkochen. Dann das fertig gebratene Fleisch dazugeben.

Pak- Choi und Chilischote klein schneiden und ebenfalls dazugeben. Ananas und Mango in kleine Stücke schneiden und kurz vor dem Anrichten gemeinsam mit dem Limettensaft hinzufügen. Tipp: Dazu passt Reis.

Koch/Köchin: Tarik Rose. Letzter Sendetermin: 2.

Garnelen-Mango-Curry. Von GRAZIA am Dienstag, 23. Restliche Limettenschale und -saft mit Mango in die Sauce geben, salzen. Stärke in die Sauce rühren. Das perfekte Garnelen-Mango-Curry-Rezept mit einfacher Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung: Mango schälen und in 2 cm große Stücke schneiden. Schinken in 2….

Fruchtige Mango harmoniert wunderbar in Curry. Ob in Kombination mit Hühnchen, Garnelen, Lamm oder Kürbis - es schmeckt einfach fantastisch. Probieren Sie es …. Die besten Mango Curry mit Garnelen Rezepte - 7 Mango Curry mit Garnelen Rezepte und viele weitere beliebte Kochrezepte finden Sie bei kochbar.de. Zutaten (pro satt machender Portion) - Feldsalat (eine gute Handvoll) - Schalotte (eine kleine) - Joghurt (2-3 EL) - Essig (1-2 EL) - Curry (ein guter TL).

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